⛰️ Landmark is designed to help you self-orient. With data sets that learn more about your creative patterns the more you progress, Landmark helps you direct daily attention toward your most important pursuits and interests.

✍️ Whether you're a writer working on your magnum opus; 🎸 a musician ready to deliver on the next album; 📚 a student (self-taught or in the classroom); learning a new language on the side; starting a business; or simply looking to stay better aligned and on track with your values. Landmark is there to help you stay oriented.

🧭 Know what you're focused on;
📉 Learn about your unique creative rhythms;
🔶 Be rewarded for every step you take;
📵 No notifications or distractions, just incentives;
🌈 Reach your Monthly Goal, you use Landmark free, forever.

Finally, a home for all your pursuits. Stay oriented.