Atom is the integrated messaging solution for organizations or individuals that require maximum security. The combination of Atom's proven security architecture and absolute data ownership create an independent chat environment that is unmatched in terms of confidentiality. PRIVACY AND ANONYMITY Atom is designed to generate the least amount of metadata possible without keeping conversations inside the phone. Each user is anonymous and registration takes place only through direct invitation from the administrator of the single node. SECURE ENCRYPTION Atom performs full end-to-end encryption of all communications exchanged. Only the intended recipient, and No one else, will be able to read your messages. Encryption keys are generated and securely stored on user devices to prevent copying or backdoor access. FULL FEATURED Atom is not only a messenger for encrypted and confidential communications: it is also a versatile and feature-rich tool. • Make voice calls • Compose texts and send voice messages • Send any type of file (pdf animated gif, mp3, doc, zip, etc...) • Create group chats, add and remove members at any time • Profile security settings for cancellation due to inactivity or for managing the self-preservation of communications • Settings to define messages that self-destruct on reading or timed • Verify a contact's identity by scanning their personal QR code • Use Atom as an anonymous instant messaging tool SELF HOSTED SERVERS Atom messenger has a decentralized infrastructure where individual servers are isolated from each other. The application allows you to connect to multiple nodes that you can access by invitation or as an administrator (who purchases and manages an instance of the platform) FULL ANONYMITY Each Atom user receives a random ATOM ID that identifies him. No phone number or email address is required to use Atom. This exclusive feature allows you to use Atom completely anonymously: you don't need to give private information and you don't need to open an account. NO ADVERTISING, NO TRACKER Atom is not funded by advertising and does not collect user data. ASSISTANCE/CONTACTS If you have any questions or problems, check out our website: