Books hard to find, easy to read priceless. Rivers and lakes of the people, make friends through literature.

"Friendly Reading" is a new column web browsing and e-book reading tool. In order to take into account the need for the two sides and the majority of overseas Chinese readers, all content can be simplified Chinese characters and traditional Chinese characters, traditional and modern vertical horizontal format display. Pure traditional Chinese characters website content from major overseas non-profit "good read website." The site has a long history, rich collection of books, proofreading rigorous, before quantity. In addition to high-quality e-books, as well as exclusive columns, updated regularly. "Good reading Friends" has the following main features:

- Bookcases directory: browse by type or author, by title or author in traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese characters search
- column directory: Browse by columnist
- web accessibility: original pages "read" mode, after an accurate analysis of web content rearrangement, far better than similar features in other browsers, greatly improving readability
- Column read: horizontal traditional Chinese characters of text can be simplified Chinese characters, vertical format, optional font size, night mode, automatically catalogs
- book reading: traditional Chinese characters in vertical text can also be simplified Chinese characters, horizontal format, selectable font size, day and night mode, support for native directory
- Cloud Cache: offline reading, automatically download and cache on demand books