Electrum Bitcoin wallet for Android.

Secure, feature rich and trusted by the Bitcoin community since 2011.
• Website: https://electrum.org
• Email: [email protected]
• GitHub: https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum
• Support: Please use GitHub or email to report bugs rather than the app rating system.

• Safe: Your private keys are encrypted and never leave your device.
• Forgiving: Your wallet can be recovered from a secret phrase.
• Instant On: Electrum uses servers that index the Bitcoin blockchain making it fast.
• No Lock-In: You can export your private keys and use them in other Bitcoin clients.
• No Downtimes: Electrum servers are decentralized and redundant. Your wallet is never down.
• Proof Checking: Electrum Wallet verifies all the transactions in your history using SPV.
• Cold Storage: Keep your private keys offline and go online with a watching-only wallet.