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everyday Habit Tracker
A simple & beautiful daily checklist with reminders for your routines and goals
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Love it! I tried a few habit apps but the others seemed like tedious task checklists. This one is visually pleasing and easy to check off the color blocks. I like the break a habit feature as well, and that I can set what time of day I want to perform the habit. My only reason for not giving it 5 stars is the lifetime price is a bit steep. I chose one year and we will see after that. Lifetime should not be more than $50, imo.

0 0
07/14/2024 19:51:58

I am passionate about habit trackers and have experimented with quite a few. This one is by far the best of any of them. The eye-candy colors are amazing, motivating, and a huge reward aspect of it. I love that if you miss a day it still colors half a box to keep your streak going so you don't have to feel like you have failed. That's huge for me. I also love that you can add notes to individual days and/or numbers. This is customizable and the ultimate habit tracker. Well worth every penny. 🙂

1 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/14/2024

Thank you Brenda! I hope the app helps you a lot and feel always free to send me any feedback to [email protected] on how to make it even better :)

07/13/2024 07:54:13

Works great. Just what I need

0 0
07/12/2024 07:23:23

Nice app but miss the option to plan # in period target. For example 3 days a week = 100%

07/04/2024 04:41:39


0 0
By ctlex
07/01/2024 00:04:48

The best habit tracker in the world.

06/26/2024 00:27:06

Nice design and easy to log activities. But even the dark mode is in premium and is highly priced. Also, calendar view could have been improved, it's a bit slow in loading too. It could have been better if tapping on a day in calendar view shows the details of that day rather than marking it.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/18/2024

Hi Akhil, to show the details for that day you simply need to press and hold like in the main view, for consistency. The dark mode is free, so I'm confused! I hope the app helps :)

06/17/2024 16:13:11
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