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RPG d'artisanat primé débordant de charme
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Version History

  • Version100.0.119

    RPG d'artisanat primé débordant de charme

    Update Log

    If you died in Hardcore Mode and one of your items was on cooldown, that item would be stuck on cooldown in other saves until you rebooted the game. This should no longer occur.

    App Description

    "...un chef-d'œuvre de design." 5/5 - TouchArcade
    Jeu de l'année 2016 - TouchArcade, Gamezebo
    Jeu d'action de l'année 2016 - Pocket Tactics
    Nominé pour le jeu mobile de l'année 2016 de DICE
    Time's Top 10 Games / Top 50 Apps de 2016

    Fabriquez, combattez et frayez-vous un chemin à travers Crashlands, une histoire étrange débordant d'audace !

    Devenez Flux Dabes, un camionneur galactique dont la dernière cargaison est déraillée par une menace extraterrestre à mentonnière nommée Hewgodooko, vous laissant bloqué sur une planète extraterrestre. Alors que vous vous précipitez pour récupérer vos colis, vous vous retrouverez mêlé à un complot infâme de domination du monde, qui nécessitera toute votre intelligence et vos deux fessiers pour venir à bout. Apprenez des recettes de la vie sensible locale, faites-vous de nouveaux amis, découvrez d'anciens secrets et des boss mortels, apprivoisez tout et construisez-vous un chez-soi tout en apprenant à prospérer sur la planète Woanope.

    ▼▼ Fonctionnalités clés ▼▼

    ● Système d'artisanat étendu ●
    Débloquez plus de 500 objets à fabriquer en explorant le monde et découvrez ses secrets !

    ● Inventaire infini autogéré ●
    Dans Crashlands, votre inventaire est infini, se gère tout seul et récupère vos outils lorsque vous en avez besoin, afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur l'aventure, les quêtes et la construction. Vous n'aurez jamais à fouiller dans votre sac ou à retourner à votre base pour libérer de l'espace dans votre inventaire !

    ● Progression des personnages de style RPG ●
    Devenez plus puissant en créant des objets toujours plus étonnants ! Au fur et à mesure que vous gagnez en puissance, vous pouvez vous aventurer dans de nouvelles régions du monde, rencontrer d'étranges personnages, découvrir de nouvelles histoires et affronter de nouveaux ennemis intéressants.

    ● Combat basé sur les compétences ●
    Apprenez les attaques des ennemis que vous rencontrez et utilisez vos compétences, votre agilité et votre intelligence pour les vaincre ! Vous pouvez même augmenter vos prouesses au combat avec la puissance des dizaines de gadgets que vous pouvez fabriquer. Mettez le feu à vos ennemis, étourdissez-les, ralentissez le temps et plus encore !

    ● Construction de base intuitive ●
    Construire une base dans Crashlands est si simple qu'on a l'impression de peindre avec les doigts. Vous pouvez créer de belles bases tentaculaires en quelques minutes !

    ● Créatures apprivoisées ●
    Chaque créature de Crashlands peut devenir un fidèle compagnon de combat. Trouvez un œuf, incubez-le et faites éclore votre propre petit bout de chou, adorable ou hideux. Vous pouvez même fabriquer des objets spéciaux pour les faire grandir et les renforcer !

    ● Un monde immense... avec d'énormes problèmes ●
    Quatre races sensibles, trois continents, une offre épique pour l'avenir de la planète, et vous - pris au piège au milieu, essayant de livrer vos putains de colis. Prenez votre temps pour plonger dans les histoires parallèles des personnages que vous rencontrez ou précipitez-vous simplement pour faire cette livraison spéciale. Avec des centaines et des centaines de quêtes, il y a beaucoup à faire et à découvrir sur la planète Woanope !

    ● Sauvegarde dans le Cloud sans effort ●
    Ce n'est pas parce que votre batterie est morte ou que vous avez accidentellement laissé tomber votre appareil dans un gouffre sans fond que votre sauvegarde doit mourir avec elle. Avec BscotchID, vous pouvez facilement stocker et récupérer votre sauvegarde depuis le cloud, et la déplacer entre vos appareils !

    ● Prise en charge du contrôleur ●
    Fatigué de frotter vos mains moites sur votre bel écran tactile ? Pas de problème ! Nous prenons en charge la plupart des manettes compatibles mobiles, vous pouvez donc vous frotter les mains moites sur certaines manettes à la place !

    Matériel et système d'exploitation recommandés :
    ● Android 5.0 ou version ultérieure
    ● Au moins 1 Go de RAM
    ● Résolution d'écran d'au moins 960x540px

    Veuillez noter que les fonctions de BscotchID peuvent ne pas fonctionner pour les appareils Android 4.4 ou plus anciens en raison du protocole TLS obsolète.

  • Version100.0.93

    RPG d'artisanat primé débordant de charme

    App Description

    \"...a design masterpiece.\" 5/5 - TouchArcade
    2016 Game of the Year - TouchArcade, Gamezebo
    2016 Action Game of the Year - Pocket Tactics
    DICE 2016 Mobile Game of the Year Nominee
    Time\u0027s Top 10 Games / Top 50 Apps of 2016
    Craft, battle, and quest your way through Crashlands, an outlandish story overflowing with sass!
    Become Flux Dabes, a galactic trucker whose latest shipment gets derailed by a chin-strapped alien menace named Hewgodooko, leaving you stranded on an alien planet. As you hustle to retrieve your packages you’ll become enmeshed in a nefarious plot of world domination, which will require all of your wits and both of your glutes to overcome. Learn recipes from the local sentient life, make new friends, uncover ancient secrets and deadly bosses, tame everything and build yourself a home-away-from-home as you learn to thrive on planet Woanope.
    ▼▼ Key Features ▼▼
    ● Expansive Crafting System ●
    Unlock over 500 craftable items as you explore the world and learn its secrets!
    ● Self-managing, Infinite Inventory ●
    In Crashlands, your inventory is infinite, manages itself, and retrieves your tools when you need them, so you can focus on adventuring, questing, and building. You\u0027ll never have dig through your bag or return to your base to free up inventory space!
    ● RPG-Style Character Progression ●
    Become more powerful through creating ever-more-amazing items! As you grow in power, you can venture to new regions of the world, meet strange characters, discover new stories, and encounter new and interesting enemies.
    ● Skill-Based Combat ●
    Learn the attacks of the enemies you encounter, and use your skill, agility, and wits to defeat them! You can even augment your fighting prowess with the power of the dozens of gadgets you can craft. Set your enemies on fire, stun them, slow down time, and more!
    ● Intuitive Base Building ●
    Building a base in Crashlands is so simple it feels like fingerpainting. You can create beautiful, sprawling bases in minutes!
    ● Tameable Creatures ●
    Every creature in Crashlands can become a trusty combat sidekick. Find an egg, incubate it, and hatch your very own adorable or hideous bundle of joy. You can even craft special items to grow and empower them!
    ● Huge World... with Huge Problems ●
    Four sentient races, three continents, an epic bid for the future of the planet, and you - trapped in the middle, trying to deliver your freakin\u0027 packages. Take your time to dive into the sidestories of the characters you meet or just rush headlong into making that special delivery. With hundreds upon hundreds of quests, there\u0027s a lot to do and discover on planet Woanope!
    ● Effortless Cloud Saving ●
    Just because your battery died or you accidentally dropped your device into a bottomless chasm, doesn\u0027t mean your save has to die with it. With BscotchID, you can easily store and retrieve your save from the cloud, and move it between your devices!
    ● Controller Support ●
    Tired of rubbing your sweaty hands all over your beautiful touchscreen? No problem! We\u0027ve got support for most mobile-compatible controllers, so you can rub your sweaty hands on some joysticks instead!
    Recommended Hardware \u0026 OS:
    ● Android 5.0 or newer
    ● At least 1GB RAM
    ● At least 960x540px screen resolution
    Please note that BscotchID functions may not work for Android 4.4 or older devices due to the outdated TLS protocol.

  • Version100.0.63

    Artisanat, bataille, et apprivoisés bêtes sauvages dans ce jeu de l'année!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and optimization updates. For more details, check out the patch notes at https://www.bscotch.net/games/crashlands/patchnotes

    App Description

    \"...a design masterpiece.\" 5/5 - TouchArcade
    2016 Game of the Year - TouchArcade, Gamezebo
    2016 Action Game of the Year - Pocket Tactics
    DICE 2016 Mobile Game of the Year Nominee
    Time\u0027s Top 10 Games / Top 50 Apps of 2016
    Craft, battle, and quest your way through Crashlands, an outlandish story overflowing with sass!
    Become Flux Dabes, a galactic trucker whose latest shipment gets derailed by a chin-strapped alien menace named Hewgodooko, leaving you stranded on an alien planet. As you hustle to retrieve your packages you’ll become enmeshed in a nefarious plot of world domination, which will require all of your wits and both of your glutes to overcome. Learn recipes from the local sentient life, make new friends, uncover ancient secrets and deadly bosses, tame everything and build yourself a home-away-from-home as you learn to thrive on planet Woanope.
    ▼▼ Key Features ▼▼
    ● Expansive Crafting System ●
    Unlock over 500 craftable items as you explore the world and learn its secrets!
    ● Self-managing, Infinite Inventory ●
    In Crashlands, your inventory is infinite, manages itself, and retrieves your tools when you need them, so you can focus on adventuring, questing, and building. You\u0027ll never have dig through your bag or return to your base to free up inventory space!
    ● RPG-Style Character Progression ●
    Become more powerful through creating ever-more-amazing items! As you grow in power, you can venture to new regions of the world, meet strange characters, discover new stories, and encounter new and interesting enemies.
    ● Skill-Based Combat ●
    Learn the attacks of the enemies you encounter, and use your skill, agility, and wits to defeat them! You can even augment your fighting prowess with the power of the dozens of gadgets you can craft. Set your enemies on fire, stun them, slow down time, and more!
    ● Intuitive Base Building ●
    Building a base in Crashlands is so simple it feels like fingerpainting. You can create beautiful, sprawling bases in minutes!
    ● Tameable Creatures ●
    Every creature in Crashlands can become a trusty combat sidekick. Find an egg, incubate it, and hatch your very own adorable or hideous bundle of joy. You can even craft special items to grow and empower them!
    ● Huge World... with Huge Problems ●
    Four sentient races, three continents, an epic bid for the future of the planet, and you - trapped in the middle, trying to deliver your freakin\u0027 packages. Take your time to dive into the sidestories of the characters you meet or just rush headlong into making that special delivery. With hundreds upon hundreds of quests, there\u0027s a lot to do and discover on planet Woanope!
    ● Effortless Cloud Saving ●
    Just because your battery died or you accidentally dropped your device into a bottomless chasm, doesn\u0027t mean your save has to die with it. With BscotchID, you can easily store and retrieve your save from the cloud, and move it between your devices!
    ● Controller Support ●
    Tired of rubbing your sweaty hands all over your beautiful touchscreen? No problem! We\u0027ve got support for most mobile-compatible controllers, so you can rub your sweaty hands on some joysticks instead!
    Recommended Hardware \u0026 OS:
    ● Android 5.0 or newer
    ● At least 1GB RAM
    ● At least 960x540px screen resolution
    Please note that BscotchID functions may not work for Android 4.4 or older devices due to the outdated TLS protocol.

  • Version100.0.62

    Artisanat, bataille, et apprivoisés bêtes sauvages dans ce jeu de l'année!

    Update Log

    General bug fixes.
    Full patch notes available at https://www.bscotch.net/games/crashlands/patchnotes

    App Description

    "...a design masterpiece." 5/5 - TouchArcade
    2016 Game of the Year - TouchArcade, Gamezebo
    2016 Action Game of the Year - Pocket Tactics
    DICE 2016 Mobile Game of the Year Nominee
    Time's Top 10 Games / Top 50 Apps of 2016
    Craft, battle, and quest your way through Crashlands, an outlandish story overflowing with sass!
    Become Flux Dabes, a galactic trucker whose latest shipment gets derailed by a chin-strapped alien menace named Hewgodooko, leaving you stranded on an alien planet. As you hustle to retrieve your packages you’ll become enmeshed in a nefarious plot of world domination, which will require all of your wits and both of your glutes to overcome. Learn recipes from the local sentient life, make new friends, uncover ancient secrets and deadly bosses, tame everything and build yourself a home-away-from-home as you learn to thrive on planet Woanope.
    ▼▼ Key Features ▼▼
    ● Expansive Crafting System ●
    Unlock over 500 craftable items as you explore the world and learn its secrets!
    ● Self-managing, Infinite Inventory ●
    In Crashlands, your inventory is infinite, manages itself, and retrieves your tools when you need them, so you can focus on adventuring, questing, and building. You'll never have dig through your bag or return to your base to free up inventory space!
    ● RPG-Style Character Progression ●
    Become more powerful through creating ever-more-amazing items! As you grow in power, you can venture to new regions of the world, meet strange characters, discover new stories, and encounter new and interesting enemies.
    ● Skill-Based Combat ●
    Learn the attacks of the enemies you encounter, and use your skill, agility, and wits to defeat them! You can even augment your fighting prowess with the power of the dozens of gadgets you can craft. Set your enemies on fire, stun them, slow down time, and more!
    ● Intuitive Base Building ●
    Building a base in Crashlands is so simple it feels like fingerpainting. You can create beautiful, sprawling bases in minutes!
    ● Tameable Creatures ●
    Every creature in Crashlands can become a trusty combat sidekick. Find an egg, incubate it, and hatch your very own adorable or hideous bundle of joy. You can even craft special items to grow and empower them!
    ● Huge World... with Huge Problems ●
    Four sentient races, three continents, an epic bid for the future of the planet, and you - trapped in the middle, trying to deliver your freakin' packages. Take your time to dive into the sidestories of the characters you meet or just rush headlong into making that special delivery. With hundreds upon hundreds of quests, there's a lot to do and discover on planet Woanope!
    ● Effortless Cloud Saving ●
    Just because your battery died or you accidentally dropped your device into a bottomless chasm, doesn't mean your save has to die with it. With BscotchID, you can easily store and retrieve your save from the cloud, and move it between your devices!
    ● Controller Support ●
    Tired of rubbing your sweaty hands all over your beautiful touchscreen? No problem! We've got support for most mobile-compatible controllers, so you can rub your sweaty hands on some joysticks instead!
    Recommended Hardware & OS:
    ● Android 5.0 or newer
    ● At least 1GB RAM
    ● At least 960x540px screen resolution
    Please note that BscotchID functions may not work for Android 4.4 or older devices due to the outdated TLS protocol.

  • Version100.0.24

    Artisanat, bataille, et apprivoisés bêtes sauvages dans ce jeu de l'année!

    Update Log

    This update replaces the BscotchID account system with the Rumpus account system which supports Sign In with Apple. We also implemented a new achievements interface and better form-fitting for modern devices. For more details, check out the patch notes at https://www.bscotch.net/games/crashlands/patchnotes

    App Description

    "...a design masterpiece." 5/5 - TouchArcade
    2016 Game of the Year - TouchArcade, Gamezebo
    2016 Action Game of the Year - Pocket Tactics
    DICE 2016 Mobile Game of the Year Nominee
    Time's Top 10 Games / Top 50 Apps of 2016
    Craft, battle, and quest your way through Crashlands, an outlandish story overflowing with sass!
    Become Flux Dabes, a galactic trucker whose latest shipment gets derailed by a chin-strapped alien menace named Hewgodooko, leaving you stranded on an alien planet. As you hustle to retrieve your packages you’ll become enmeshed in a nefarious plot of world domination, which will require all of your wits and both of your glutes to overcome. Learn recipes from the local sentient life, make new friends, uncover ancient secrets and deadly bosses, tame everything and build yourself a home-away-from-home as you learn to thrive on planet Woanope.
    ▼▼ Key Features ▼▼
    ● Expansive Crafting System ●
    Unlock over 500 craftable items as you explore the world and learn its secrets!
    ● Self-managing, Infinite Inventory ●
    In Crashlands, your inventory is infinite, manages itself, and retrieves your tools when you need them, so you can focus on adventuring, questing, and building. You'll never have dig through your bag or return to your base to free up inventory space!
    ● RPG-Style Character Progression ●
    Become more powerful through creating ever-more-amazing items! As you grow in power, you can venture to new regions of the world, meet strange characters, discover new stories, and encounter new and interesting enemies.
    ● Skill-Based Combat ●
    Learn the attacks of the enemies you encounter, and use your skill, agility, and wits to defeat them! You can even augment your fighting prowess with the power of the dozens of gadgets you can craft. Set your enemies on fire, stun them, slow down time, and more!
    ● Intuitive Base Building ●
    Building a base in Crashlands is so simple it feels like fingerpainting. You can create beautiful, sprawling bases in minutes!
    ● Tameable Creatures ●
    Every creature in Crashlands can become a trusty combat sidekick. Find an egg, incubate it, and hatch your very own adorable or hideous bundle of joy. You can even craft special items to grow and empower them!
    ● Huge World... with Huge Problems ●
    Four sentient races, three continents, an epic bid for the future of the planet, and you - trapped in the middle, trying to deliver your freakin' packages. Take your time to dive into the sidestories of the characters you meet or just rush headlong into making that special delivery. With hundreds upon hundreds of quests, there's a lot to do and discover on planet Woanope!
    ● Effortless Cloud Saving ●
    Just because your battery died or you accidentally dropped your device into a bottomless chasm, doesn't mean your save has to die with it. With BscotchID, you can easily store and retrieve your save from the cloud, and move it between your devices!
    ● Controller Support ●
    Tired of rubbing your sweaty hands all over your beautiful touchscreen? No problem! We've got support for most mobile-compatible controllers, so you can rub your sweaty hands on some joysticks instead!
    Recommended Hardware & OS:
    ● Android 5.0 or newer
    ● At least 1GB RAM
    ● At least 960x540px screen resolution
    Please note that BscotchID functions may not work for Android 4.4 or older devices due to the outdated TLS protocol.