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Coffee Golf
Daily Golf Games
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Fun game

By Shock h gdyrjuuuuevsjck   

Need more levels on the tour please!

07/15/2024 23:27:10
Coffee buddies

By Hills–   

Great game to play with your barista friends!

07/15/2024 06:53:38
The Very Best!!!

By Calacachamba   

I loved Coffee Golf. I've been searching for a minimalist golf game like this for a while. The game is beautiful and simple, offering a sense of peace and harmony that really draws you in. The physics are impressive, adding to the overall enjoyment. Adding a versus mode between friends and a score tracker would make it even better. Highly recommend it for anyone looking for a relaxing yet captivating game.

07/15/2024 02:17:46

By Derka Flerka   

Loved this fun game until the developers changed the geometry. Used to be you could line up a shot and it would go where you told it, now it goes askew for no reason, plus the power you hit with doesn’t stay consistent.

07/14/2024 21:35:49
Good but..


This game is very cute but I’m not giving it a five because it only lets you play 1 round a day

07/14/2024 19:30:03
GOAT golf game app

By KCapp85   

Honestly one of the best little golf games. Not too simple, not overly complicated. Love the sounds, everything. Such a great game to relax for a bit. Only problem is lately the sounds of strokes and birds only comes through the headphones. I prefer it off the phone speakers. Please fix thank you!

07/14/2024 06:58:52
Love the game - needs more levels

By Yunglebb   

I’ve really enjoyed this game, and love that they added a solo mode feature but it needs more levels!!!

07/11/2024 23:26:37
Playing against tiger woods

By Tre-Dylan   

The matchmaking in this game is insane. On top of having to go up against already determined matches, the opponents have the skill level of a 65 year old man in retirement. I play my absolute best match only to be quickly humbled by the bot sinking an insane hole in 1 from across the map. Like what am I even supposed to do against that. I also feel that there should be more cosmetic options you can buy because it takes a while to get gems in this game. Also the physics are insane in this game. I don’t expect it to be perfect by no means but I think that in any other golf game the ball rolls. This game has the ball bounce once or twice followed by a centimeter of rolling before stopping. Can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve been close to making a whole in one only for the ball to blue ball me and stay on the edge. Lowkey game is fun but super annoying.

07/09/2024 05:31:30
Need some tweaking

By The Dalilama   

This is a fun and relatively easy game that lets you enjoy the physics of golf but has some issues that may push you away after a bit. When the only way to unlock new courses is by earning trophies, the logic for a loss in the tournament to take away trophies makes it almost impossible to move up in the higher levels. You are playing against the computer, not other players like it makes you think. These ’players’ have money and trophy combinations that don’t make sense and the play by them is inconsistent with their rewards. You can be close to moving up a level and then get dropped down to almost starting over after a string of losses to players that get 1 or 2 on every hole, even with trees that are totally blocking next shots. I like a challenge, so it’s fine to take away a life or some cash, but not the trophies. Also give us a 7-iron!

07/08/2024 09:29:24

By jkm1006   

Fun game! Play every day. I would add two things though:
1. Wind (like in Wii golf, just a different speed and direction every day).
2. Tell us what “par” is.
Makes the game a bit more dynamic and gives you something to aim for each day.

07/07/2024 07:49:15
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