Ready to supercharge your AURELIUS experience? Look no further than our event platform and networking app including event agendas, calendars, contact lists, chat functionality and profile pages. Event Essentials Get the best of both worlds as we blend our top-notch company events with digital convenience. With the AURELIUS app, you'll stay connected and access all the event essentials – from details and schedules to session descriptions and shuttle timings – right at your fingertips. Event Networking But that's just the beginning. The app goes beyond the basics to revolutionize your networking game. Thanks to its cloud-synchronized messenger and clever matchmaking profiles, you'll enjoy targeted, inspiring connections like never before. Event Experience Dive into a world of interactive features, including real-time updates on speakers, presentations, and outings. Engage with fellow participants, strike up conversations, and forge meaningful connections – all from the palm of your hand.  Join us on the AURELIUS app and unlock the full potential of your event experience. The future of AURELIUS is here – and it starts with you.