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WavePad Audio Editor
WavePad Audio Editor is a full-featured professional audio editing app.
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I have wavepad audio editor pro for desktop, but this Android version runs very slow and clunky on Android 10. But the biggest problem is where it stores its audio, which is within its own application, and nowhere that can be located with a file locator! All of a sudden I'm out of internal ram! That's because all audio opened within the application saves itself within the application, taking up system memory. Google Files could not find it. MobiSystems File Commander could not find it.

07/12/2024 10:53:37

I'm yet to experience

07/10/2024 22:55:07

op aapbest rep edit app

0 0
07/10/2024 22:08:58

It's very helpful

0 0
07/03/2024 19:28:40

Good Voice Editor App

0 0
07/03/2024 16:44:31


0 0
07/03/2024 13:23:54

Be careful this are scammersThis guys are smart first theÿ say that ig u buy the app and pay for the all accesories that it would be for life. and than later on the cancell that and give u an other option to buy the ability to buy all of the accesories wich is just one more way to charge u more again.i e tryed to talk to the poeople and they keep giving me the ru aroudn this guys are smart crooks .. thw app is awesm its just the cooked greedee bastards that want more money

07/03/2024 10:41:49

Good app

07/01/2024 22:14:37

Good application

07/01/2024 10:46:38

You guys are awesome! You're products are awesome and if I wasn't so desperately poor I'd buy every single one of them!!!! And even being a broke a$$ no cash I still get to use them! Highly recommend! 🤩🥳

06/30/2024 20:30:00
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