CheckOffice is a full-cycle mobile audit service based on checklists. Replace paper checklists and spreadsheets with a modern automated solution!

CheckOffice was created to digitalize and automate the routine processes of working with checks, violations and tasks:
Planning and conducting inspections
Fixing violations and monitoring their elimination
· Task management
· Communication within the team
Analytics of general and detailed indicators on violations, checks and tasks

The service consists of two parts:

1. Web interface: dashboard for easy management of the entire system
2. Mobile applications: a tool for collecting data and operational team interaction

The main features of the web version of CheckOffice:

Create and edit checklists using a convenient Drag and Drop constructor: you can add 12 different checklist items, attributes and requirements for each answer
Adding additional questions in each item of the checklist, depending on the answer received
Forming the conditions for conducting checks: requiring the included geolocation, prohibiting the addition of photos from the gallery, requesting the addition of attachments when responding
Appointment, scheduling and validation of inspections
Work with tasks, monitoring their implementation, automatic assignment of tasks
Flexible configuration of user rights and areas of responsibility
· Receive a report by mail when the scan is completed
· Formation of reports and data export with a wide range of filters

CheckOffice mobile applications are designed for:

Carrying out inspections and fixing violations directly at the objects of control
Work with tasks: execution, delegation, discussion, adding participants
Data collection (photos, videos, comments, geolocation, audio notes, barcode scanning)
· Receive PUSH notifications about all kinds of events
· Prompt communication with colleagues

Applications support offline operation, so they allow you to carry out checks even in conditions of an unstable Internet connection.

CheckOffice is used by companies from retail, HoReCa, medicine and pharmaceuticals, industry, construction, transport, logistics and other industries.

As a result of the integrated use of CheckOffice, our clients note a significant increase in labor productivity (the functionality of the service automates routine processes and saves employees time), a decrease in the number of falsifications by up to 100% (a ban on uploading photos from the gallery and a request for a geo-location helps to avoid forgery), a reduction in the number of violations by 75% and more.

To start working with the service, go to and register. You will get free access to the system for 10 days and will be able to test the full functionality of CheckOffice to solve your problems.