NCM is a powerful chess calculator that runs Stockfish 15.1 directly on your device. The app also includes access to a growing list of engines running on NCM's single core CPU hardware:

• Stockfish latest official releases and development builds
• Lc0 (all official networks and several contrib networks)
• Cfish
• GNU Chess
• Ethereal
• Xiphos
• Laser
• Defenchess
• Arasan
• Vajolet2
• OpenTal
• Nemorino
• Demolito
• Winter
• Nalwald
• Igel
• Seer
• Fire
• RubiChess
• Koivisto
• Wasp
• Halogen
• Berserk
• Marvin
• Combusken

The optional NCM Pro in-app purchase provides a full year access to powerful hardware and features that significantly enhance the strength of calculations:

• AMD Ryzen 5950X 16-CPU-core servers
• RTX 2080 GPUs for LcZero
• 6-man syzygy tablebases on SSD drives