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Angel Studios
Stream Sound of Freedom, Cabrini, His Only Son, Dry Bar Comedy, and more.
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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I can't seem to get it to actually play anything other than previews

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/07/2024

Hey there! We'd love to help you watch ASAP. Please reach out to us at angel.com/help and we'll get things taken care of right away. Thanks!

07/06/2024 10:37:14

I love everything about it! Clean inspirational content

0 0
By foster
07/06/2024 02:50:42

Ap easy to use

0 0
By MrJeff3
07/05/2024 21:05:23

No words can describe how beautiful the series is. The tension before each miracle is so overwhelming that even though one knows the miracle, whoever watches it will still feel it and experience the happiness of having the Lord near. A must-watch! Beautiful! Magical! Touching! Close-to-heart! A life-changer!

07/05/2024 14:23:34

Love it😘🌠

07/05/2024 04:18:30

I labet

0 0
07/04/2024 23:02:38

10 out of 5 stars no drama

07/03/2024 22:35:23

Was so hopeful in watching the next season of the chosen and I loaded up the app but it's not on here for me it don't even show up when I search it please help

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/04/2024

Sadly, The Chosen has terminated its agreement with Angel Studios. We hope that one day the agreement may be restored. The Chosen Inc will be choosing their distribution channels. For more information on where to watch, you can reach out to them at [email protected] for more information.

07/03/2024 02:05:32

The best 👍 by Jason 👍(^o^)

0 0
07/02/2024 01:52:18

Awesome ⁹

0 0
06/30/2024 17:18:09
No data yet.No data yet.
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