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Regus offices & meeting rooms
Regus workspaces – meeting rooms, private offices, co-working, business lounges
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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Poor billing and support. I informed them weeks ago about my issue before they can even send me notices, yet they later claimed they never received my email. Now, they're threatening legal action against me, despite my prior communication. It seems they're ignoring my situation to extract more money by alleging a contract breach with a "final notice," which is not the case since I reached out first. I know my responsibilities. Do not do business with Regus. They are a scam!

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/16/2024

Hi James, thank you for your review. We would love to try and help resolve this issue. Please raise a case through the Help section of your online account. Thanks

07/16/2024 14:53:59


07/14/2024 17:35:54

Unprofessional service. They took my payment in full and subsequently sent an email at midnight to advise that my room booking at 7am is cancelled. They did not respond to my calls, email or text. This caused so much stress as I had an important client meeting at 7am.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Hi Malini, thank you for your review. We would love to try and help resolve this issue. Please raise a case through the Help section of your online account. Thanks

07/09/2024 12:30:44

Udh coba berkali2 gk bisa2.. ampun deh

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/26/2024

Hai Christien, terima kasih atas tanggapan Anda. Silakan kirim email ke [email protected] dengan rincian tentang masalah yang Anda alami sehingga tim teknis kami dapat memeriksanya. Terima kasih.

06/26/2024 21:02:25

Very vary bad

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/26/2024

Hi Zulfqar, thank you for your review. We would love to try and help resolve this issue. Please raise a case through the Help section of your online account. Thanks

06/26/2024 02:07:51

I only used it a couple times and now I owe $278

6 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/23/2024

Hi Nicole, thank you for your review. We would love to try and help resolve this issue. Please raise a case through the Help section of your online account. Thanks

06/21/2024 00:59:32
No data yet.No data yet.
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6 reviews