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Banuba - Funny Face Swap
Creați povești foto de top cu editor video, vorbiți ca un robot cu schimbător de voce!
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Version History

  • Version4.12.7

    Creați povești foto de top cu editor video, vorbiți ca un robot cu schimbător de voce!

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba este aplicația selfie supremă, cu o colecție selectată manual de peste 1000 de filtre pentru față și jocuri AR. Cu această aplicație, oamenii de toate vârstele își pot schimba cu ușurință vocea, pot face fotografii amuzante și pot edita videoclipuri.

    CARACTERISTICI / De ce îți va plăcea această aplicație Selfie:

    🖼️ Face swap
    A deveni un actor celebru la Hollywood sau o stea pop nu a fost niciodată mai ușor, deoarece acum poți pur și simplu schimba fața cu celebritatea ta preferată. Poți deveni cu ușurință un animal drăguț, un supererou de film, să schimbi fețe cu prietenii tăi sau să îți transformi selfie-urile în capodopere renascentiste.

    🤖 Schimbător de voce
    Schimbați-vă vocea în videoclipuri pentru a suna ca un animal amuzant, un super-erou sau un extraterestru. Avem o vastă colecție de personaje uimitoare cu care vă puteți schimba vocea în bărbat, femeie, copil, robot și așa mai departe.

    🙂 Producător de emoji
    Exprimați-vă starea de spirit reală prin intermediul camerei, folosind amplificatoare emoționale. Faceți chipuri, trimiteți videoclipuri amuzante prietenilor sau împărtășiți-vă poveștile pe social media fără a vă ascunde emoțiile.

    🎭 Filtre de față amuzante
    Pentru cei cărora le place să facă selfie-uri captivante și să înregistreze videoclipuri care merită, am umplut aplicația cu zeci de filtre foto la modă. Toate măștile noastre faciale sunt interactive, deci nu numai că vă ajută să capturați amintiri, ci și să vă înveseliți.

    📷 Face Swap în videoclipuri
    Simțiți puterea povestirii digitale. Încercați diferite filtre video, alegeți-l pe cel mai bun pentru dvs. și înregistrați videoclipuri vii. La noi, poți fi cu ușurință oricine și povestea ta va fi auzită.

    ✨ Editor foto și video
    Editează cu ușurință fotografii sau videoclipuri, aplică efecte interesante și retușează-ți selfie-urile. Apoi împărtășiți capodoperele dvs. cu hashtagul #banuba pentru o șansă de a fi prezentate în rețelele noastre sociale.

    Banuba este un instrument excelent pentru schimbarea feței pentru toți iubitorii de selfie. Cu aplicația noastră, te poți juca cu fața ta în cel mai extravagant mod - animându-l, îmbrăcându-l, transformându-l sau remodelându-l complet. Modificați-vă selfie-urile, „zombificându-le” sau transformați-vă într-un personaj amuzant. Este timpul să vă dezlănțuiți creativitatea, să vă sporiți baza de fani și să arătați tuturor celor care sunt șefii de conținut.

    Spre deosebire de alte aplicații selfie, Banuba este foarte simplu. Nu trebuie să fii un profesionist pentru ao utiliza - chiar și un amator poate îmbunătăți cu ușurință fotografiile sau videoclipurile prin aplicarea de efecte multiple și filtre amuzante. Alegeți doar filtrul care vă place dintr-o colecție selectată manual, dintre cele mai tari filtre foto. Și în doar câțiva pași, puteți crea videoclipuri atrăgătoare pe care le veți bucura să le distribuiți prietenilor și familiei.

    Acest tip de aplicație pentru cameră nu este doar o modalitate excelentă de a schimba fețele și de a crea conținut, ci ajută, de asemenea, să păstreze familia conectată chiar mai eficient decât jocurile de societate. De asemenea, nu trebuie să vă mai gândiți la felicitări video la nicio sărbătoare. Pregătim filtre amuzante speciale pentru fiecare sărbătoare, așa că, cu Banuba, îți poți surprinde cu ușurință prietenii și familia trimițându-le orice, de la urări de Crăciun până la o invitație video la petrecerea la mulți ani.

    Nu mai aștepta, descarcă Banuba acum și transformă-ți poveștile într-o distracție hilară!

    Înainte de a utiliza oricare dintre serviciile Banuba, vă rugăm să consultați și să acceptați Termenii și condițiile noastre: https://banuba.com/terms/.

    Cunoașteți Politica noastră de confidențialitate. Aflați cum vă protejăm și tratăm datele dvs. personale sensibile: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Simțiți-vă liber să ne împărtășiți selfie-urile epice, videoclipurile distractive sau ideile voastre!
    @ Banuba.App "

  • Version4.12.3

    Creați povești foto de top cu editor video, vorbiți ca un robot cu schimbător de voce!

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba is the ultimate selfie app with a handpicked collection of 1000+ brand-new face filters and AR-games. With this app, people of all ages can easily change their voices, take funny photos, and edit videos.

    FEATURES / Why You Will Love This Selfie App:

    🖼️ Face swap
    Becoming a famous Hollywood actor or pop star has never been easier because now you can simply switch faces with your favorite celebrity. You can easily become a cute animal, a movie superhero, swap faces with your friends, or turn your selfies into Renaissance masterpieces.

    🤖 Voice changer
    Change your voice on videos to sound like a funny animal, superhero, or space alien. We have a vast collection of amazing characters with which you can change your voice to male, female, child, robot, and so on.

    🙂 Emoji maker
    Express your actual mood through the camera using emotional amplifiers. Make faces, send funny videos to friends, or share your stories on social media without hiding your emotions.

    🎭 Funny Face Filters
    For those who like to take catchy selfies and record like-worthy videos, we've filled the app with dozens of on-trend photo filters. All our face masks are interactive, so they don't only help you capture memories, but also cheer you up.

    📷 Face Swap in the Videos
    Feel the power of digital storytelling. Try on different video filters, choose the best one for you, and record vivid videos. With us, you can easily be anyone and your story will be heard.

    ✨ Photo & Video Editor
    Easily edit photos or videos, apply cool effects, and retouch your selfies. Then share your masterpieces with the hashtag #banuba for a chance to be featured in our socials.

    Banuba is a great face-changing tool for all selfie lovers. With our app, you can play with your face in the most extravagant way – animating it, dressing it up, morphing it, or completely reshaping it. Alter your selfies, ''zombifying'' them, or turn yourself into a funny character. It's time to unleash your creativity, boost your fan base, and show everyone who is the content boss.

    Unlike other selfie apps, Banuba is super straightforward. You don't have to be a professional to use it – even an amateur can easily enhance photos or videos by applying multiple effects and funny filters. Just choose the filter you like from a handpicked collection of the coolest photo filters. And in just a few steps, you can create eye-catching videos you'll love to share with friends and family.

    This kind of camera app is not only a great way to change faces and create content but also helps to keep family connected even more effectively than board games. Also, you don't have to think anymore about video greetings to any holidays. We prepare special funny filters for each holiday, so with Banuba, you can easily surprise your friends and family by sending them anything from Christmas wishes to even a Happy Birthday party video invite.

    Don't wait anymore, download Banuba now and turn your stories into hilarious fun!

    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.

    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!

  • Version4.12.2

    Creați povești foto de top cu editor video, vorbiți ca un robot cu schimbător de voce!

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba is the ultimate selfie app with a handpicked collection of 1000+ brand-new face filters and AR-games. With this app, people of all ages can easily change their voices, take funny photos, and edit videos.
    FEATURES / Why You Will Love This Selfie App:
    🖼️ Face swap
    Becoming a famous Hollywood actor or pop star has never been easier because now you can simply switch faces with your favorite celebrity. You can easily become a cute animal, a movie superhero, swap faces with your friends, or turn your selfies into Renaissance masterpieces.
    🤖 Voice changer
    Change your voice on videos to sound like a funny animal, superhero, or space alien. We have a vast collection of amazing characters with which you can change your voice to male, female, child, robot, and so on.
    🙂 Emoji maker
    Express your actual mood through the camera using emotional amplifiers. Make faces, send funny videos to friends, or share your stories on social media without hiding your emotions.
    🎭 Funny Face Filters
    For those who like to take catchy selfies and record like-worthy videos, we\u0027ve filled the app with dozens of on-trend photo filters. All our face masks are interactive, so they don\u0027t only help you capture memories, but also cheer you up.
    📷 Face Swap in the Videos
    Feel the power of digital storytelling. Try on different video filters, choose the best one for you, and record vivid videos. With us, you can easily be anyone and your story will be heard.
    ✨ Photo \u0026 Video Editor
    Easily edit photos or videos, apply cool effects, and retouch your selfies. Then share your masterpieces with the hashtag #banuba for a chance to be featured in our socials.
    Banuba is a great face-changing tool for all selfie lovers. With our app, you can play with your face in the most extravagant way – animating it, dressing it up, morphing it, or completely reshaping it. Alter your selfies, \u0027\u0027zombifying\u0027\u0027 them, or turn yourself into a funny character. It\u0027s time to unleash your creativity, boost your fan base, and show everyone who is the content boss.
    Unlike other selfie apps, Banuba is super straightforward. You don\u0027t have to be a professional to use it – even an amateur can easily enhance photos or videos by applying multiple effects and funny filters. Just choose the filter you like from a handpicked collection of the coolest photo filters. And in just a few steps, you can create eye-catching videos you\u0027ll love to share with friends and family.
    This kind of camera app is not only a great way to change faces and create content but also helps to keep family connected even more effectively than board games. Also, you don\u0027t have to think anymore about video greetings to any holidays. We prepare special funny filters for each holiday, so with Banuba, you can easily surprise your friends and family by sending them anything from Christmas wishes to even a Happy Birthday party video invite.
    Don\u0027t wait anymore, download Banuba now and turn your stories into hilarious fun!
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!

  • Version4.12.1

    Creați povești foto de top cu editor video, vorbiți ca un robot cu schimbător de voce!

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba is the ultimate selfie app with a handpicked collection of 1000+ brand-new face filters and AR-games. With this app, people of all ages can easily change their voices, take funny photos, and edit videos.
    FEATURES / Why You Will Love This Selfie App:
    🖼️ Face swap
    Becoming a famous Hollywood actor or pop star has never been easier because now you can simply switch faces with your favorite celebrity. You can easily become a cute animal, a movie superhero, swap faces with your friends, or turn your selfies into Renaissance masterpieces.
    🤖 Voice changer
    Change your voice on videos to sound like a funny animal, superhero, or space alien. We have a vast collection of amazing characters with which you can change your voice to male, female, child, robot, and so on.
    🙂 Emoji maker
    Express your actual mood through the camera using emotional amplifiers. Make faces, send funny videos to friends, or share your stories on social media without hiding your emotions.
    🎭 Funny Face Filters
    For those who like to take catchy selfies and record like-worthy videos, we\u0027ve filled the app with dozens of on-trend photo filters. All our face masks are interactive, so they don\u0027t only help you capture memories, but also cheer you up.
    📷 Face Swap in the Videos
    Feel the power of digital storytelling. Try on different video filters, choose the best one for you, and record vivid videos. With us, you can easily be anyone and your story will be heard.
    ✨ Photo \u0026 Video Editor
    Easily edit photos or videos, apply cool effects, and retouch your selfies. Then share your masterpieces with the hashtag #banuba for a chance to be featured in our socials.
    Banuba is a great face-changing tool for all selfie lovers. With our app, you can play with your face in the most extravagant way – animating it, dressing it up, morphing it, or completely reshaping it. Alter your selfies, \u0027\u0027zombifying\u0027\u0027 them, or turn yourself into a funny character. It\u0027s time to unleash your creativity, boost your fan base, and show everyone who is the content boss.
    Unlike other selfie apps, Banuba is super straightforward. You don\u0027t have to be a professional to use it – even an amateur can easily enhance photos or videos by applying multiple effects and funny filters. Just choose the filter you like from a handpicked collection of the coolest photo filters. And in just a few steps, you can create eye-catching videos you\u0027ll love to share with friends and family.
    This kind of camera app is not only a great way to change faces and create content but also helps to keep family connected even more effectively than board games. Also, you don\u0027t have to think anymore about video greetings to any holidays. We prepare special funny filters for each holiday, so with Banuba, you can easily surprise your friends and family by sending them anything from Christmas wishes to even a Happy Birthday party video invite.
    Don\u0027t wait anymore, download Banuba now and turn your stories into hilarious fun!
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!

  • Version4.11.2

    Creați povești foto de top cu editor video, vorbiți ca un robot cu schimbător de voce!

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba is the ultimate selfie app with a handpicked collection of 1000+ brand-new face filters and AR-games. With this app, people of all ages can easily change their voices, take funny photos, and edit videos.
    FEATURES / Why You Will Love This Selfie App:
    🖼️ Face swap
    Becoming a famous Hollywood actor or pop star has never been easier because now you can simply switch faces with your favorite celebrity. You can easily become a cute animal, a movie superhero, swap faces with your friends, or turn your selfies into Renaissance masterpieces.
    🤖 Voice changer
    Change your voice on videos to sound like a funny animal, superhero, or space alien. We have a vast collection of amazing characters with which you can change your voice to male, female, child, robot, and so on.
    🙂 Emoji maker
    Express your actual mood through the camera using emotional amplifiers. Make faces, send funny videos to friends, or share your stories on social media without hiding your emotions.
    🎭 Funny Face Filters
    For those who like to take catchy selfies and record like-worthy videos, we\u0027ve filled the app with dozens of on-trend photo filters. All our face masks are interactive, so they don\u0027t only help you capture memories, but also cheer you up.
    📷 Face Swap in the Videos
    Feel the power of digital storytelling. Try on different video filters, choose the best one for you, and record vivid videos. With us, you can easily be anyone and your story will be heard.
    ✨ Photo \u0026 Video Editor
    Easily edit photos or videos, apply cool effects, and retouch your selfies. Then share your masterpieces with the hashtag #banuba for a chance to be featured in our socials.
    Banuba is a great face-changing tool for all selfie lovers. With our app, you can play with your face in the most extravagant way – animating it, dressing it up, morphing it, or completely reshaping it. Alter your selfies, \u0027\u0027zombifying\u0027\u0027 them, or turn yourself into a funny character. It\u0027s time to unleash your creativity, boost your fan base, and show everyone who is the content boss.
    Unlike other selfie apps, Banuba is super straightforward. You don\u0027t have to be a professional to use it – even an amateur can easily enhance photos or videos by applying multiple effects and funny filters. Just choose the filter you like from a handpicked collection of the coolest photo filters. And in just a few steps, you can create eye-catching videos you\u0027ll love to share with friends and family.
    This kind of camera app is not only a great way to change faces and create content but also helps to keep family connected even more effectively than board games. Also, you don\u0027t have to think anymore about video greetings to any holidays. We prepare special funny filters for each holiday, so with Banuba, you can easily surprise your friends and family by sending them anything from Christmas wishes to even a Happy Birthday party video invite.
    Don\u0027t wait anymore, download Banuba now and turn your stories into hilarious fun!
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!

  • Version4.11.0

    Face changer, filtre live, efecte amuzante si masti pentru fotografii, clipuri video și autoportrete

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba is the ultimate selfie app with a handpicked collection of 1000+ brand-new face filters and AR-games. With this app, people of all ages can easily change their voices, take funny photos, and edit videos.
    Why You Will Love This Selfie App:
    🖼️ Face swap
    Becoming a famous Hollywood actor or pop star has never been easier because now you can simply switch faces with your favorite celebrity. You can easily become a cute animal, a movie superhero, swap faces with your friends, or turn your selfies into Renaissance masterpieces.
    🤖 Voice changer
    Change your voice on videos to sound like a funny animal, superhero, or space alien. We have a vast collection of amazing characters with which you can change your voice to male, female, child, robot, and so on.
    🙂 Emoji maker
    Express your actual mood through the camera using emotional amplifiers. Make faces, send funny videos to friends, or share your stories on social media without hiding your emotions.
    🎭 Funny Face Filters
    For those who like to take catchy selfies and record like-worthy videos, we've filled the app with dozens of on-trend photo filters. All our face masks are interactive, so they don't only help you capture memories, but also cheer you up.
    📷 Face Swap in the Videos
    Feel the power of digital storytelling. Try on different video filters, choose the best one for you, and record vivid videos. With us, you can easily be anyone and your story will be heard.
    ✨ Photo & Video Editor
    Easily edit photos or videos, apply cool effects, and retouch your selfies. Then share your masterpieces with the hashtag #banuba for a chance to be featured in our socials.
    Banuba is a great face-changing tool for all selfie lovers. With our app, you can play with your face in the most extravagant way – animating it, dressing it up, morphing it, or completely reshaping it. Alter your selfies, ''zombifying'' them, or turn yourself into a funny character. It's time to unleash your creativity, boost your fan base, and show everyone who is the content boss.
    Unlike other selfie apps, Banuba is super straightforward. You don't have to be a professional to use it – even an amateur can easily enhance photos or videos by applying multiple effects and funny filters. Just choose the filter you like from a handpicked collection of the coolest photo filters. And in just a few steps, you can create eye-catching videos you'll love to share with friends and family.
    This kind of camera app is not only a great way to change faces and create content but also helps to keep family connected even more effectively than board games. Also, you don't have to think anymore about video greetings to any holidays. We prepare special funny filters for each holiday, so with Banuba, you can easily surprise your friends and family by sending them anything from Christmas wishes to even a Happy Birthday party video invite.
    Don't wait anymore, download Banuba now and turn your stories into hilarious fun!
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos, or your ideas with us!
    Facebook: @BanubaApp
    Instagram: @Banuba.App

  • Version4.9.0

    Face changer, filtre live, efecte amuzante si masti pentru fotografii, clipuri video și autoportrete

    Update Log

    Hey, selfie lovers!
    Valentine's Day is just around the corner. So with this update, you no longer have to think about Valentine's Day greetings. Just choose a lovely mask from the new love filter set, and send a special thank you card to coworkers or a love video greeting to anyone you cherish.
    Video valentine - is the best way to express your love.
    Create video valentines now!

    App Description

    Let’s face it. Not much has changed. As kids, we loved playing dress up. As we’ve grown older... well, we still love playing dress up.
    Banuba gives anyone with a smartphone access to dozens and dozens of face filters. Wanna be Santa Claus? Done. Wanna rock a giant cupcake on your head? Easy. Wanna be a vampire DJ? We’ve got you covered there too.
    Banuba offers one of the coolest selfie photo & video experiences that exists today. In mere moments you can transform any boring day or conversation into a vibrant experience bursting at the seams with creativity, imagination and cheek-aching hilariousness.
    Download Banuba right now and start surprising your friends, family, coworkers and crushes on social media and messenger with our vast lineup of face filters and masks.
    Here are a few more reasons you should download Banuba:
    - You instantaneously become cooler on all social platforms
    - You can shoot, save and share your photo & video face filters wherever, whenever.
    - You get access to tons of filters & masks, and we’re constantly adding new ones
    - Folks are 90% more likely to land a date while using Banuba (just kidding, we made that last one up, it can’t hurt your chances though)
    Download Banuba and start transforming everyday conversations, pictures and videos into something creative, imaginative, hilarious and awe-inspiring.
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!
    Facebook:  @BanubaApp
    Instagram: @Banuba.App

  • Version4.10.0

    Face changer, filtre live, efecte amuzante si masti pentru fotografii, clipuri video și autoportrete

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba is the ultimate selfie app with a handpicked collection of 1000+ brand-new face filters and AR-games. With this app, people of all ages can easily change their voices, take funny photos, and edit videos.
    Why You Will Love This Selfie App:
    🖼️ Face swap
    Becoming a famous Hollywood actor or pop star has never been easier because now you can simply switch faces with your favorite celebrity. You can easily become a cute animal, a movie superhero, swap faces with your friends, or turn your selfies into Renaissance masterpieces.
    🤖 Voice changer
    Change your voice on videos to sound like a funny animal, superhero, or space alien. We have a vast collection of amazing characters with which you can change your voice to male, female, child, robot, and so on.
    🙂 Emoji maker
    Express your actual mood through the camera using emotional amplifiers. Make faces, send funny videos to friends, or share your stories on social media without hiding your emotions.
    🎭 Funny Face Filters
    For those who like to take catchy selfies and record like-worthy videos, we've filled the app with dozens of on-trend photo filters. All our face masks are interactive, so they don't only help you capture memories, but also cheer you up.
    📷 Face Swap in the Videos
    Feel the power of digital storytelling. Try on different video filters, choose the best one for you, and record vivid videos. With us, you can easily be anyone and your story will be heard.
    ✨ Photo & Video Editor
    Easily edit photos or videos, apply cool effects, and retouch your selfies. Then share your masterpieces with the hashtag #banuba for a chance to be featured in our socials.
    Banuba is a great face-changing tool for all selfie lovers. With our app, you can play with your face in the most extravagant way – animating it, dressing it up, morphing it, or completely reshaping it. Alter your selfies, ''zombifying'' them, or turn yourself into a funny character. It's time to unleash your creativity, boost your fan base, and show everyone who is the content boss.
    Unlike other selfie apps, Banuba is super straightforward. You don't have to be a professional to use it – even an amateur can easily enhance photos or videos by applying multiple effects and funny filters. Just choose the filter you like from a handpicked collection of the coolest photo filters. And in just a few steps, you can create eye-catching videos you'll love to share with friends and family.
    This kind of camera app is not only a great way to change faces and create content but also helps to keep family connected even more effectively than board games. Also, you don't have to think anymore about video greetings to any holidays. We prepare special funny filters for each holiday, so with Banuba, you can easily surprise your friends and family by sending them anything from Christmas wishes to even a Happy Birthday party video invite.
    Don't wait anymore, download Banuba now and turn your stories into hilarious fun!
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos, or your ideas with us!
    Facebook: @BanubaApp
    Instagram: @Banuba.App

  • Version4.8.0

    Face changer, filtre live, efecte amuzante si masti pentru fotografii, clipuri video și autoportrete

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Let’s face it. Not much has changed. As kids, we loved playing dress up. As we’ve grown older... well, we still love playing dress up.
    Banuba gives anyone with a smartphone access to dozens and dozens of face filters. Wanna be Santa Claus? Done. Wanna rock a giant cupcake on your head? Easy. Wanna be a vampire DJ? We’ve got you covered there too.
    Banuba offers one of the coolest selfie photo & video experiences that exists today. In mere moments you can transform any boring day or conversation into a vibrant experience bursting at the seams with creativity, imagination and cheek-aching hilariousness.
    Download Banuba right now and start surprising your friends, family, coworkers and crushes on social media and messenger with our vast lineup of face filters and masks.
    Here are a few more reasons you should download Banuba:
    - You instantaneously become cooler on all social platforms
    - You can shoot, save and share your photo & video face filters wherever, whenever.
    - You get access to tons of filters & masks, and we’re constantly adding new ones
    - Folks are 90% more likely to land a date while using Banuba (just kidding, we made that last one up, it can’t hurt your chances though)
    Download Banuba and start transforming everyday conversations, pictures and videos into something creative, imaginative, hilarious and awe-inspiring.
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!
    Facebook:  @BanubaApp
    Instagram: @Banuba.App

  • Version4.7.1

    Face changer, filtre live, efecte amuzante si masti pentru fotografii, clipuri video și autoportrete

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and performance improvements

    App Description

    Let’s face it. Not much has changed. As kids, we loved playing dress up. As we’ve grown older... well, we still love playing dress up.
    Banuba gives anyone with a smartphone access to dozens and dozens of face filters. Wanna be Santa Claus? Done. Wanna rock a giant cupcake on your head? Easy. Wanna be a vampire DJ? We’ve got you covered there too.
    Banuba offers one of the coolest selfie photo & video experiences that exists today. In mere moments you can transform any boring day or conversation into a vibrant experience bursting at the seams with creativity, imagination and cheek-aching hilariousness.
    Download Banuba right now and start surprising your friends, family, coworkers and crushes on social media and messenger with our vast lineup of face filters and masks.
    Here are a few more reasons you should download Banuba:
    - You instantaneously become cooler on all social platforms
    - You can shoot, save and share your photo & video face filters wherever, whenever.
    - You get access to tons of filters & masks, and we’re constantly adding new ones
    - Folks are 90% more likely to land a date while using Banuba (just kidding, we made that last one up, it can’t hurt your chances though)
    Download Banuba and start transforming everyday conversations, pictures and videos into something creative, imaginative, hilarious and awe-inspiring.
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!
    Facebook:  @BanubaApp
    Instagram: @Banuba.App

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