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Banuba - Funny Face Swap
Buat cerita foto teratas dengan editor video, berbicara seperti robot dengan pengubah suara!
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Version History

  • Version4.12.7

    Buat cerita foto teratas dengan editor video, berbicara seperti robot dengan pengubah suara!

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba adalah aplikasi selfie terbaik dengan koleksi pilihan 1000+ filter wajah dan game AR baru. Dengan aplikasi ini, orang-orang dari segala usia dapat dengan mudah mengubah suara mereka, mengambil foto lucu, dan mengedit video.

    FITUR / Mengapa Anda Akan Menyukai Aplikasi Selfie Ini:

    🖼️ Tukar wajah
    Menjadi aktor Hollywood atau bintang pop terkenal tidak pernah semudah ini karena sekarang Anda cukup bertukar wajah dengan selebriti favorit Anda. Anda dapat dengan mudah menjadi hewan lucu, pahlawan super film, bertukar wajah dengan teman, atau mengubah selfie menjadi mahakarya Renaisans.

    🤖 Pengubah suara
    Ubah suara Anda di video agar terdengar seperti binatang lucu, pahlawan super, atau alien luar angkasa. Kami memiliki banyak koleksi karakter luar biasa yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengubah suara Anda menjadi pria, wanita, anak-anak, robot, dan sebagainya.

    🙂 Pembuat emoji
    Ekspresikan suasana hati Anda yang sebenarnya melalui kamera menggunakan penguat emosional. Buat wajah, kirim video lucu ke teman, atau bagikan cerita Anda di media sosial tanpa menyembunyikan emosi Anda.

    🎭 Filter Wajah Lucu
    Bagi mereka yang suka mengambil foto narsis yang menarik dan merekam video yang layak, kami telah mengisi aplikasi dengan lusinan filter foto yang sedang tren. Semua masker wajah kami bersifat interaktif, sehingga tidak hanya membantu Anda mengabadikan kenangan, tetapi juga menghibur Anda.

    📷 Tukar Wajah di Video
    Rasakan kekuatan mendongeng digital. Coba filter video yang berbeda, pilih yang terbaik untuk Anda, dan rekam video yang hidup. Bersama kami, Anda dapat dengan mudah menjadi siapa saja dan cerita Anda akan didengar.

    ✨ Editor Foto & Video
    Edit foto atau video dengan mudah, terapkan efek keren, dan perbaiki selfie Anda. Kemudian bagikan karya Anda dengan hashtag #banuba agar berpeluang ditampilkan di media sosial kami.

    Banuba adalah alat pengubah wajah yang bagus untuk semua pecinta selfie. Dengan aplikasi kami, Anda dapat bermain dengan wajah Anda dengan cara yang paling mewah - menganimasikannya, mendandani, mengubah, atau mengubah bentuknya sepenuhnya. Ubah selfie Anda, '' zombifikasi '' mereka, atau ubah diri Anda menjadi karakter yang lucu. Saatnya untuk melepaskan kreativitas Anda, meningkatkan basis penggemar Anda, dan menunjukkan kepada semua orang siapa bos konten.

    Tidak seperti aplikasi selfie lainnya, Banuba sangat mudah. Anda tidak perlu menjadi seorang profesional untuk menggunakannya - bahkan seorang amatir dapat dengan mudah menyempurnakan foto atau video dengan menerapkan banyak efek dan filter lucu. Cukup pilih filter yang Anda suka dari koleksi filter foto paling keren yang dipilih sendiri. Dan hanya dalam beberapa langkah, Anda dapat membuat video menarik yang ingin Anda bagikan dengan teman dan keluarga.

    Aplikasi kamera semacam ini tidak hanya cara yang bagus untuk mengubah wajah dan membuat konten, tetapi juga membantu menjaga hubungan keluarga lebih efektif daripada permainan papan. Selain itu, Anda tidak perlu lagi memikirkan video salam untuk liburan apa pun. Kami menyiapkan filter lucu khusus untuk setiap liburan, jadi dengan Banuba, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengejutkan teman dan keluarga dengan mengirimkan apa pun mulai dari ucapan selamat Natal hingga undangan video pesta Ulang Tahun.

    Jangan menunggu lagi, unduh Banuba sekarang dan ubah cerita Anda menjadi menyenangkan!

    Sebelum menggunakan salah satu layanan Banuba, harap tinjau dan setujui Syarat dan Ketentuan kami: https://banuba.com/terms/.

    Ketahui Kebijakan Privasi kami. Pelajari bagaimana kami melindungi dan memperlakukan data pribadi sensitif Anda: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Jangan ragu untuk membagikan selfie epik, video menyenangkan, atau ide Anda dengan kami!
    @ Banuba.App "

  • Version4.12.3

    Buat cerita foto teratas dengan editor video, berbicara seperti robot dengan pengubah suara!

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba is the ultimate selfie app with a handpicked collection of 1000+ brand-new face filters and AR-games. With this app, people of all ages can easily change their voices, take funny photos, and edit videos.

    FEATURES / Why You Will Love This Selfie App:

    🖼️ Face swap
    Becoming a famous Hollywood actor or pop star has never been easier because now you can simply switch faces with your favorite celebrity. You can easily become a cute animal, a movie superhero, swap faces with your friends, or turn your selfies into Renaissance masterpieces.

    🤖 Voice changer
    Change your voice on videos to sound like a funny animal, superhero, or space alien. We have a vast collection of amazing characters with which you can change your voice to male, female, child, robot, and so on.

    🙂 Emoji maker
    Express your actual mood through the camera using emotional amplifiers. Make faces, send funny videos to friends, or share your stories on social media without hiding your emotions.

    🎭 Funny Face Filters
    For those who like to take catchy selfies and record like-worthy videos, we've filled the app with dozens of on-trend photo filters. All our face masks are interactive, so they don't only help you capture memories, but also cheer you up.

    📷 Face Swap in the Videos
    Feel the power of digital storytelling. Try on different video filters, choose the best one for you, and record vivid videos. With us, you can easily be anyone and your story will be heard.

    ✨ Photo & Video Editor
    Easily edit photos or videos, apply cool effects, and retouch your selfies. Then share your masterpieces with the hashtag #banuba for a chance to be featured in our socials.

    Banuba is a great face-changing tool for all selfie lovers. With our app, you can play with your face in the most extravagant way – animating it, dressing it up, morphing it, or completely reshaping it. Alter your selfies, ''zombifying'' them, or turn yourself into a funny character. It's time to unleash your creativity, boost your fan base, and show everyone who is the content boss.

    Unlike other selfie apps, Banuba is super straightforward. You don't have to be a professional to use it – even an amateur can easily enhance photos or videos by applying multiple effects and funny filters. Just choose the filter you like from a handpicked collection of the coolest photo filters. And in just a few steps, you can create eye-catching videos you'll love to share with friends and family.

    This kind of camera app is not only a great way to change faces and create content but also helps to keep family connected even more effectively than board games. Also, you don't have to think anymore about video greetings to any holidays. We prepare special funny filters for each holiday, so with Banuba, you can easily surprise your friends and family by sending them anything from Christmas wishes to even a Happy Birthday party video invite.

    Don't wait anymore, download Banuba now and turn your stories into hilarious fun!

    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.

    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!

  • Version4.12.2

    Buat cerita foto teratas dengan editor video, berbicara seperti robot dengan pengubah suara!

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba is the ultimate selfie app with a handpicked collection of 1000+ brand-new face filters and AR-games. With this app, people of all ages can easily change their voices, take funny photos, and edit videos.
    FEATURES / Why You Will Love This Selfie App:
    🖼️ Face swap
    Becoming a famous Hollywood actor or pop star has never been easier because now you can simply switch faces with your favorite celebrity. You can easily become a cute animal, a movie superhero, swap faces with your friends, or turn your selfies into Renaissance masterpieces.
    🤖 Voice changer
    Change your voice on videos to sound like a funny animal, superhero, or space alien. We have a vast collection of amazing characters with which you can change your voice to male, female, child, robot, and so on.
    🙂 Emoji maker
    Express your actual mood through the camera using emotional amplifiers. Make faces, send funny videos to friends, or share your stories on social media without hiding your emotions.
    🎭 Funny Face Filters
    For those who like to take catchy selfies and record like-worthy videos, we\u0027ve filled the app with dozens of on-trend photo filters. All our face masks are interactive, so they don\u0027t only help you capture memories, but also cheer you up.
    📷 Face Swap in the Videos
    Feel the power of digital storytelling. Try on different video filters, choose the best one for you, and record vivid videos. With us, you can easily be anyone and your story will be heard.
    ✨ Photo \u0026 Video Editor
    Easily edit photos or videos, apply cool effects, and retouch your selfies. Then share your masterpieces with the hashtag #banuba for a chance to be featured in our socials.
    Banuba is a great face-changing tool for all selfie lovers. With our app, you can play with your face in the most extravagant way – animating it, dressing it up, morphing it, or completely reshaping it. Alter your selfies, \u0027\u0027zombifying\u0027\u0027 them, or turn yourself into a funny character. It\u0027s time to unleash your creativity, boost your fan base, and show everyone who is the content boss.
    Unlike other selfie apps, Banuba is super straightforward. You don\u0027t have to be a professional to use it – even an amateur can easily enhance photos or videos by applying multiple effects and funny filters. Just choose the filter you like from a handpicked collection of the coolest photo filters. And in just a few steps, you can create eye-catching videos you\u0027ll love to share with friends and family.
    This kind of camera app is not only a great way to change faces and create content but also helps to keep family connected even more effectively than board games. Also, you don\u0027t have to think anymore about video greetings to any holidays. We prepare special funny filters for each holiday, so with Banuba, you can easily surprise your friends and family by sending them anything from Christmas wishes to even a Happy Birthday party video invite.
    Don\u0027t wait anymore, download Banuba now and turn your stories into hilarious fun!
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!

  • Version4.12.1

    Buat cerita foto teratas dengan editor video, berbicara seperti robot dengan pengubah suara!

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba is the ultimate selfie app with a handpicked collection of 1000+ brand-new face filters and AR-games. With this app, people of all ages can easily change their voices, take funny photos, and edit videos.
    FEATURES / Why You Will Love This Selfie App:
    🖼️ Face swap
    Becoming a famous Hollywood actor or pop star has never been easier because now you can simply switch faces with your favorite celebrity. You can easily become a cute animal, a movie superhero, swap faces with your friends, or turn your selfies into Renaissance masterpieces.
    🤖 Voice changer
    Change your voice on videos to sound like a funny animal, superhero, or space alien. We have a vast collection of amazing characters with which you can change your voice to male, female, child, robot, and so on.
    🙂 Emoji maker
    Express your actual mood through the camera using emotional amplifiers. Make faces, send funny videos to friends, or share your stories on social media without hiding your emotions.
    🎭 Funny Face Filters
    For those who like to take catchy selfies and record like-worthy videos, we\u0027ve filled the app with dozens of on-trend photo filters. All our face masks are interactive, so they don\u0027t only help you capture memories, but also cheer you up.
    📷 Face Swap in the Videos
    Feel the power of digital storytelling. Try on different video filters, choose the best one for you, and record vivid videos. With us, you can easily be anyone and your story will be heard.
    ✨ Photo \u0026 Video Editor
    Easily edit photos or videos, apply cool effects, and retouch your selfies. Then share your masterpieces with the hashtag #banuba for a chance to be featured in our socials.
    Banuba is a great face-changing tool for all selfie lovers. With our app, you can play with your face in the most extravagant way – animating it, dressing it up, morphing it, or completely reshaping it. Alter your selfies, \u0027\u0027zombifying\u0027\u0027 them, or turn yourself into a funny character. It\u0027s time to unleash your creativity, boost your fan base, and show everyone who is the content boss.
    Unlike other selfie apps, Banuba is super straightforward. You don\u0027t have to be a professional to use it – even an amateur can easily enhance photos or videos by applying multiple effects and funny filters. Just choose the filter you like from a handpicked collection of the coolest photo filters. And in just a few steps, you can create eye-catching videos you\u0027ll love to share with friends and family.
    This kind of camera app is not only a great way to change faces and create content but also helps to keep family connected even more effectively than board games. Also, you don\u0027t have to think anymore about video greetings to any holidays. We prepare special funny filters for each holiday, so with Banuba, you can easily surprise your friends and family by sending them anything from Christmas wishes to even a Happy Birthday party video invite.
    Don\u0027t wait anymore, download Banuba now and turn your stories into hilarious fun!
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!

  • Version4.11.2

    Buat cerita foto teratas dengan editor video, berbicara seperti robot dengan pengubah suara!

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba is the ultimate selfie app with a handpicked collection of 1000+ brand-new face filters and AR-games. With this app, people of all ages can easily change their voices, take funny photos, and edit videos.
    FEATURES / Why You Will Love This Selfie App:
    🖼️ Face swap
    Becoming a famous Hollywood actor or pop star has never been easier because now you can simply switch faces with your favorite celebrity. You can easily become a cute animal, a movie superhero, swap faces with your friends, or turn your selfies into Renaissance masterpieces.
    🤖 Voice changer
    Change your voice on videos to sound like a funny animal, superhero, or space alien. We have a vast collection of amazing characters with which you can change your voice to male, female, child, robot, and so on.
    🙂 Emoji maker
    Express your actual mood through the camera using emotional amplifiers. Make faces, send funny videos to friends, or share your stories on social media without hiding your emotions.
    🎭 Funny Face Filters
    For those who like to take catchy selfies and record like-worthy videos, we\u0027ve filled the app with dozens of on-trend photo filters. All our face masks are interactive, so they don\u0027t only help you capture memories, but also cheer you up.
    📷 Face Swap in the Videos
    Feel the power of digital storytelling. Try on different video filters, choose the best one for you, and record vivid videos. With us, you can easily be anyone and your story will be heard.
    ✨ Photo \u0026 Video Editor
    Easily edit photos or videos, apply cool effects, and retouch your selfies. Then share your masterpieces with the hashtag #banuba for a chance to be featured in our socials.
    Banuba is a great face-changing tool for all selfie lovers. With our app, you can play with your face in the most extravagant way – animating it, dressing it up, morphing it, or completely reshaping it. Alter your selfies, \u0027\u0027zombifying\u0027\u0027 them, or turn yourself into a funny character. It\u0027s time to unleash your creativity, boost your fan base, and show everyone who is the content boss.
    Unlike other selfie apps, Banuba is super straightforward. You don\u0027t have to be a professional to use it – even an amateur can easily enhance photos or videos by applying multiple effects and funny filters. Just choose the filter you like from a handpicked collection of the coolest photo filters. And in just a few steps, you can create eye-catching videos you\u0027ll love to share with friends and family.
    This kind of camera app is not only a great way to change faces and create content but also helps to keep family connected even more effectively than board games. Also, you don\u0027t have to think anymore about video greetings to any holidays. We prepare special funny filters for each holiday, so with Banuba, you can easily surprise your friends and family by sending them anything from Christmas wishes to even a Happy Birthday party video invite.
    Don\u0027t wait anymore, download Banuba now and turn your stories into hilarious fun!
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!

  • Version4.11.0

    Wajah changer, live filter, efek lucu & masker untuk foto, video dan foto narsis

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba is the ultimate selfie app with a handpicked collection of 1000+ brand-new face filters and AR-games. With this app, people of all ages can easily change their voices, take funny photos, and edit videos.
    Why You Will Love This Selfie App:
    🖼️ Face swap
    Becoming a famous Hollywood actor or pop star has never been easier because now you can simply switch faces with your favorite celebrity. You can easily become a cute animal, a movie superhero, swap faces with your friends, or turn your selfies into Renaissance masterpieces.
    🤖 Voice changer
    Change your voice on videos to sound like a funny animal, superhero, or space alien. We have a vast collection of amazing characters with which you can change your voice to male, female, child, robot, and so on.
    🙂 Emoji maker
    Express your actual mood through the camera using emotional amplifiers. Make faces, send funny videos to friends, or share your stories on social media without hiding your emotions.
    🎭 Funny Face Filters
    For those who like to take catchy selfies and record like-worthy videos, we've filled the app with dozens of on-trend photo filters. All our face masks are interactive, so they don't only help you capture memories, but also cheer you up.
    📷 Face Swap in the Videos
    Feel the power of digital storytelling. Try on different video filters, choose the best one for you, and record vivid videos. With us, you can easily be anyone and your story will be heard.
    ✨ Photo & Video Editor
    Easily edit photos or videos, apply cool effects, and retouch your selfies. Then share your masterpieces with the hashtag #banuba for a chance to be featured in our socials.
    Banuba is a great face-changing tool for all selfie lovers. With our app, you can play with your face in the most extravagant way – animating it, dressing it up, morphing it, or completely reshaping it. Alter your selfies, ''zombifying'' them, or turn yourself into a funny character. It's time to unleash your creativity, boost your fan base, and show everyone who is the content boss.
    Unlike other selfie apps, Banuba is super straightforward. You don't have to be a professional to use it – even an amateur can easily enhance photos or videos by applying multiple effects and funny filters. Just choose the filter you like from a handpicked collection of the coolest photo filters. And in just a few steps, you can create eye-catching videos you'll love to share with friends and family.
    This kind of camera app is not only a great way to change faces and create content but also helps to keep family connected even more effectively than board games. Also, you don't have to think anymore about video greetings to any holidays. We prepare special funny filters for each holiday, so with Banuba, you can easily surprise your friends and family by sending them anything from Christmas wishes to even a Happy Birthday party video invite.
    Don't wait anymore, download Banuba now and turn your stories into hilarious fun!
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos, or your ideas with us!
    Facebook: @BanubaApp
    Instagram: @Banuba.App

  • Version4.10.0

    Wajah changer, live filter, efek lucu & masker untuk foto, video dan foto narsis

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Banuba is the ultimate selfie app with a handpicked collection of 1000+ brand-new face filters and AR-games. With this app, people of all ages can easily change their voices, take funny photos, and edit videos.
    Why You Will Love This Selfie App:
    🖼️ Face swap
    Becoming a famous Hollywood actor or pop star has never been easier because now you can simply switch faces with your favorite celebrity. You can easily become a cute animal, a movie superhero, swap faces with your friends, or turn your selfies into Renaissance masterpieces.
    🤖 Voice changer
    Change your voice on videos to sound like a funny animal, superhero, or space alien. We have a vast collection of amazing characters with which you can change your voice to male, female, child, robot, and so on.
    🙂 Emoji maker
    Express your actual mood through the camera using emotional amplifiers. Make faces, send funny videos to friends, or share your stories on social media without hiding your emotions.
    🎭 Funny Face Filters
    For those who like to take catchy selfies and record like-worthy videos, we've filled the app with dozens of on-trend photo filters. All our face masks are interactive, so they don't only help you capture memories, but also cheer you up.
    📷 Face Swap in the Videos
    Feel the power of digital storytelling. Try on different video filters, choose the best one for you, and record vivid videos. With us, you can easily be anyone and your story will be heard.
    ✨ Photo & Video Editor
    Easily edit photos or videos, apply cool effects, and retouch your selfies. Then share your masterpieces with the hashtag #banuba for a chance to be featured in our socials.
    Banuba is a great face-changing tool for all selfie lovers. With our app, you can play with your face in the most extravagant way – animating it, dressing it up, morphing it, or completely reshaping it. Alter your selfies, ''zombifying'' them, or turn yourself into a funny character. It's time to unleash your creativity, boost your fan base, and show everyone who is the content boss.
    Unlike other selfie apps, Banuba is super straightforward. You don't have to be a professional to use it – even an amateur can easily enhance photos or videos by applying multiple effects and funny filters. Just choose the filter you like from a handpicked collection of the coolest photo filters. And in just a few steps, you can create eye-catching videos you'll love to share with friends and family.
    This kind of camera app is not only a great way to change faces and create content but also helps to keep family connected even more effectively than board games. Also, you don't have to think anymore about video greetings to any holidays. We prepare special funny filters for each holiday, so with Banuba, you can easily surprise your friends and family by sending them anything from Christmas wishes to even a Happy Birthday party video invite.
    Don't wait anymore, download Banuba now and turn your stories into hilarious fun!
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos, or your ideas with us!
    Facebook: @BanubaApp
    Instagram: @Banuba.App

  • Version4.9.0

    Wajah changer, live filter, efek lucu & masker untuk foto, video dan foto narsis

    Update Log

    Hey, selfie lovers!
    Valentine's Day is just around the corner. So with this update, you no longer have to think about Valentine's Day greetings. Just choose a lovely mask from the new love filter set, and send a special thank you card to coworkers or a love video greeting to anyone you cherish.
    Video valentine - is the best way to express your love.
    Create video valentines now!

    App Description

    Let’s face it. Not much has changed. As kids, we loved playing dress up. As we’ve grown older... well, we still love playing dress up.
    Banuba gives anyone with a smartphone access to dozens and dozens of face filters. Wanna be Santa Claus? Done. Wanna rock a giant cupcake on your head? Easy. Wanna be a vampire DJ? We’ve got you covered there too.
    Banuba offers one of the coolest selfie photo & video experiences that exists today. In mere moments you can transform any boring day or conversation into a vibrant experience bursting at the seams with creativity, imagination and cheek-aching hilariousness.
    Download Banuba right now and start surprising your friends, family, coworkers and crushes on social media and messenger with our vast lineup of face filters and masks.
    Here are a few more reasons you should download Banuba:
    - You instantaneously become cooler on all social platforms
    - You can shoot, save and share your photo & video face filters wherever, whenever.
    - You get access to tons of filters & masks, and we’re constantly adding new ones
    - Folks are 90% more likely to land a date while using Banuba (just kidding, we made that last one up, it can’t hurt your chances though)
    Download Banuba and start transforming everyday conversations, pictures and videos into something creative, imaginative, hilarious and awe-inspiring.
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!
    Facebook:  @BanubaApp
    Instagram: @Banuba.App

  • Version4.7.1

    Wajah changer, live filter, efek lucu & masker untuk foto, video dan foto narsis

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and performance improvements

    App Description

    Let’s face it. Not much has changed. As kids, we loved playing dress up. As we’ve grown older... well, we still love playing dress up.
    Banuba gives anyone with a smartphone access to dozens and dozens of face filters. Wanna be Santa Claus? Done. Wanna rock a giant cupcake on your head? Easy. Wanna be a vampire DJ? We’ve got you covered there too.
    Banuba offers one of the coolest selfie photo & video experiences that exists today. In mere moments you can transform any boring day or conversation into a vibrant experience bursting at the seams with creativity, imagination and cheek-aching hilariousness.
    Download Banuba right now and start surprising your friends, family, coworkers and crushes on social media and messenger with our vast lineup of face filters and masks.
    Here are a few more reasons you should download Banuba:
    - You instantaneously become cooler on all social platforms
    - You can shoot, save and share your photo & video face filters wherever, whenever.
    - You get access to tons of filters & masks, and we’re constantly adding new ones
    - Folks are 90% more likely to land a date while using Banuba (just kidding, we made that last one up, it can’t hurt your chances though)
    Download Banuba and start transforming everyday conversations, pictures and videos into something creative, imaginative, hilarious and awe-inspiring.
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!
    Facebook:  @BanubaApp
    Instagram: @Banuba.App

  • Version2020-12-16

    Wajah changer, live filter, efek lucu & masker untuk foto, video dan foto narsis

    Update Log

    Ho ho ho, it’s time to get ready for Christmas!
    In this update, we are happy to present our super Xmas offer. We bet you have never seen such BIG discounts on subscriptions. Come to the app and check em’ out!
    Also, we’ve listened to your feedback and fixed a couple of issues, that popped up in our latest update - thanks for your help!
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play.
    Take care, talk to you soon!

    App Description

    Let’s face it. Not much has changed. As kids, we loved playing dress up. As we’ve grown older... well, we still love playing dress up.
    Banuba gives anyone with a smartphone access to dozens and dozens of face filters. Wanna be Santa Claus? Done. Wanna rock a giant cupcake on your head? Easy. Wanna be a vampire DJ? We’ve got you covered there too.
    Banuba offers one of the coolest selfie photo & video experiences that exists today. In mere moments you can transform any boring day or conversation into a vibrant experience bursting at the seams with creativity, imagination and cheek-aching hilariousness.
    Download Banuba right now and start surprising your friends, family, coworkers and crushes on social media and messenger with our vast lineup of face filters and masks.
    Here are a few more reasons you should download Banuba:
    - You instantaneously become cooler on all social platforms
    - You can shoot, save and share your photo & video face filters wherever, whenever.
    - You get access to tons of filters & masks, and we’re constantly adding new ones
    - Folks are 90% more likely to land a date while using Banuba (just kidding, we made that last one up, it can’t hurt your chances though)
    Download Banuba and start transforming everyday conversations, pictures and videos into something creative, imaginative, hilarious and awe-inspiring.
    Before using any of Banuba’s services, please review and agree to our Terms and Conditions: https://banuba.com/terms/.
    Get to know our Privacy Policy. Learn how we protect and treat your sensitive personal data: https://banuba.com/policy/.

    Feel free to share your epic selfies, fun videos or your ideas with us!
    Facebook:  @BanubaApp
    Instagram: @Banuba.App

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