AASTOCKS is the most authoritative financial information and analysis solutions provider in Hong Kong and has been well recognized by investors.

Quote Services
- Free Real-time HK Stock Quote
- Real-time Streaming Teletext, Streaming Dual Quote Interface, Bid/Ask Queue & Brokers Queue
- Real-time Technical Anaylsis with over 20 of most popular technical indicators
- Real-time “My Portfolio” – Real-time monitor all stocks within the portfolio
- Real-time “Portfolio Anywhere” – Synchronizes portfolio in AAStocks website, paid service, & Android App
- Real-time Top 20, Index Constituents, Industry Constituents
- A+H, ADRs, ETFs, Forex, Commodities

Market information
- Hong Kong, China and World Indices
- Financial News, includes Research Reports & AA Market Move
- Company Fundamentals and Corporate Events
- Investment Advice, Dividend Announcement, 52-Week High/Low
- IPO Plus provides all relevant information of Upcoming IPOs, Listed IPOs and IPO Calendar

Other Functions
- Shortcut to Online Trading Platform
- Share AAStocks Financial News via Facebook

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