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inkl: world news that matters
Obțineți știri de încredere, organizate de jurnaliști, din întreaga lume, adaptate pentru dvs.
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Version History

  • Version7.4.0

    Obțineți știri de încredere, organizate de jurnaliști, din întreaga lume, adaptate pentru dvs.

    Update Log

    🛠️ Miscellaneous bugfixed and improvements

    App Description

    Bine ați venit la inkl, ultima aplicație de știri pe care o veți descărca vreodată. Vă arătăm cele mai interesante și importante știri din lume, din surse pe care le cunoașteți și în care aveți încredere.

    Bucurați-vă de rapoarte și analize strălucite de la editori pe care nu îi vedeți în alte aplicații de știri, precum The Economist, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Foreign Policy și peste 100 de persoane din întreaga lume.

    Vedeți povești organizate pentru a vă informa, a vă surprinde și a vă face mai ușor și mai rapid să urmăriți știrile care vă contează. Nu ne interesează vânzarea de reclame sau viralizarea. inkl este un serviciu plătit fără anunțuri, în care sunteți clientul, nu produsul. În loc de clickbait și știri false, vă arătăm știri reale pe care nu le veți vedea în altă parte. Aceasta include fluxul nostru de Știri Bune, care începe ziua cu știri pozitive. Și fluxul nostru de analiză, care reunește cele mai recente lecturi lungi de la editori precum The Financial Times și Businessweek.

    Încercați incl astăzi, cu o perioadă de încercare de 7 zile, fără probleme. Nu vă vom taxa automat, deci nu va trebui să anulați dacă nu vă place ceea ce vedeți. Atingeți „descărcați” și începeți să vă bucurați de cea mai bună acoperire de știri din lume.

    Despre abonamentele la inkl achiziționate în aplicația inkl:
    - Încercarea gratuită nu vă obligă să achiziționați un abonament
    - Puteți șterge aplicația în timpul sau după proces fără a fi taxat
    - O plată va fi taxată în contul dvs. Google Play numai dacă alegeți să confirmați o achiziție
    - Odată achiziționat, abonamentul dvs. se va reînnoi automat și va apărea în contul dvs. Google Play ca „incl”
    - Puteți dezactiva reînnoirea automată accesând setările contului Google Play
    - Reînnoirile trebuie să fie dezactivate cu cel puțin 24 de ore înainte de sfârșitul perioadei curente
    - Perioada de încercare gratuită se va încheia, iar perioada de abonament va începe imediat după cumpărare

    Pentru termeni și condiții complete, vă rugăm să vizitați: https://www.inkl.com/terms

  • Version7.2.4

    Obțineți știri de încredere, organizate de jurnaliști, din întreaga lume, adaptate pentru dvs.

    Update Log

    🛠️ Miscellaneous bugfixed and improvements

    App Description

    Bine ați venit la inkl, ultima aplicație de știri pe care o veți descărca vreodată. Vă arătăm cele mai interesante și importante știri din lume, din surse pe care le cunoașteți și în care aveți încredere.

    Bucurați-vă de rapoarte și analize strălucite de la editori pe care nu îi vedeți în alte aplicații de știri, precum The Economist, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Foreign Policy și peste 100 de persoane din întreaga lume.

    Vedeți povești organizate pentru a vă informa, a vă surprinde și a vă face mai ușor și mai rapid să urmăriți știrile care vă contează. Nu ne interesează vânzarea de reclame sau viralizarea. inkl este un serviciu plătit fără anunțuri, în care sunteți clientul, nu produsul. În loc de clickbait și știri false, vă arătăm știri reale pe care nu le veți vedea în altă parte. Aceasta include fluxul nostru de Știri Bune, care începe ziua cu știri pozitive. Și fluxul nostru de analiză, care reunește cele mai recente lecturi lungi de la editori precum The Financial Times și Businessweek.

    Încercați incl astăzi, cu o perioadă de încercare de 7 zile, fără probleme. Nu vă vom taxa automat, deci nu va trebui să anulați dacă nu vă place ceea ce vedeți. Atingeți „descărcați” și începeți să vă bucurați de cea mai bună acoperire de știri din lume.

    Despre abonamentele la inkl achiziționate în aplicația inkl:
    - Încercarea gratuită nu vă obligă să achiziționați un abonament
    - Puteți șterge aplicația în timpul sau după proces fără a fi taxat
    - O plată va fi taxată în contul dvs. Google Play numai dacă alegeți să confirmați o achiziție
    - Odată achiziționat, abonamentul dvs. se va reînnoi automat și va apărea în contul dvs. Google Play ca „incl”
    - Puteți dezactiva reînnoirea automată accesând setările contului Google Play
    - Reînnoirile trebuie să fie dezactivate cu cel puțin 24 de ore înainte de sfârșitul perioadei curente
    - Perioada de încercare gratuită se va încheia, iar perioada de abonament va începe imediat după cumpărare

    Pentru termeni și condiții complete, vă rugăm să vizitați: https://www.inkl.com/terms

  • Version7.2.3

    Obțineți știri de încredere, organizate de jurnaliști, din întreaga lume, adaptate pentru dvs.

    Update Log

    🎧 Improved audio playlist generation for saved articles
    🛠️ Miscellaneous bugfixed and improvements

    App Description

    Welcome to inkl, the last news app you’ll ever download. We show you the world’s most interesting and important news, from sources you know and trust.

    Enjoy brilliant reporting and analyses from publishers you don't see on other news apps, like The Economist, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Foreign Policy, and 100+ others from around the world.

    See stories curated to inform you, surprise you, and make it easier and faster for you to follow news that matters to you. We don’t care about selling ads or going viral. inkl is a paid ad-free service, where you are the customer, not the product. Instead of clickbait and fake news, we show you real news you won’t see elsewhere. That includes our Good News feed, which starts your day with positive news. And our Analysis feed, which pulls together the latest long reads from publishers like The Financial Times and Businessweek.

    Try inkl today, with a no-obligation hassle-free 7-day trial. We won’t charge you automatically, so you won't need to cancel if you don’t like what you see. Just tap ‘download’ and start enjoying the world’s best news coverage.

    About inkl memberships purchased within the inkl app:
    - The free trial does not oblige you to purchase a subscription
    - You can delete the app during or after the trial without being charged
    - A payment will only be charged to your Google Play Account if you choose to confirm a purchase
    - Once purchased, your subscription will renew automatically, and will show up in your Google Play account as ‘inkl’
    - You can turn off the automatic renewal by going to your Google Play Account Settings
    - Renewals must be turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
    - Your free trial will end, and your subscription period will start, immediately upon purchase

    For full terms and conditions please visit: https://www.inkl.com/terms

  • Version7.1.3

    Obțineți știri de încredere, organizate de jurnaliști, din întreaga lume, adaptate pentru dvs.

    Update Log

    🛠️ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.

    App Description

    Welcome to inkl, the last news app you’ll ever download. We show you the world’s most interesting and important news, from sources you know and trust.

    Enjoy brilliant reporting and analyses from publishers you don't see on other news apps, like The Economist, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Foreign Policy, and 100+ others from around the world.

    See stories curated to inform you, surprise you, and make it easier and faster for you to follow news that matters to you. We don’t care about selling ads or going viral. inkl is a paid ad-free service, where you are the customer, not the product. Instead of clickbait and fake news, we show you real news you won’t see elsewhere. That includes our Good News feed, which starts your day with positive news. And our Analysis feed, which pulls together the latest long reads from publishers like The Financial Times and Businessweek.

    Try inkl today, with a no-obligation hassle-free 7-day trial. We won’t charge you automatically, so you won't need to cancel if you don’t like what you see. Just tap ‘download’ and start enjoying the world’s best news coverage.

    About inkl memberships purchased within the inkl app:
    - The free trial does not oblige you to purchase a subscription
    - You can delete the app during or after the trial without being charged
    - A payment will only be charged to your Google Play Account if you choose to confirm a purchase
    - Once purchased, your subscription will renew automatically, and will show up in your Google Play account as ‘inkl’
    - You can turn off the automatic renewal by going to your Google Play Account Settings
    - Renewals must be turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
    - Your free trial will end, and your subscription period will start, immediately upon purchase

    For full terms and conditions please visit: https://www.inkl.com/terms

  • Version7.1.2

    Obțineți știri de încredere, organizate de jurnaliști, din întreaga lume, adaptate pentru dvs.

    Update Log

    🛠️ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.

    App Description

    Welcome to inkl, the last news app you’ll ever download. We show you the world’s most interesting and important news, from sources you know and trust.

    Enjoy brilliant reporting and analyses from publishers you don't see on other news apps, like The Economist, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Foreign Policy, and 100+ others from around the world.

    See stories curated to inform you, surprise you, and make it easier and faster for you to follow news that matters to you. We don’t care about selling ads or going viral. inkl is a paid ad-free service, where you are the customer, not the product. Instead of clickbait and fake news, we show you real news you won’t see elsewhere. That includes our Good News feed, which starts your day with positive news. And our Analysis feed, which pulls together the latest long reads from publishers like The Financial Times and Businessweek.

    Try inkl today, with a no-obligation hassle-free 7-day trial. We won’t charge you automatically, so you won't need to cancel if you don’t like what you see. Just tap ‘download’ and start enjoying the world’s best news coverage.

    About inkl memberships purchased within the inkl app:
    - The free trial does not oblige you to purchase a subscription
    - You can delete the app during or after the trial without being charged
    - A payment will only be charged to your Google Play Account if you choose to confirm a purchase
    - Once purchased, your subscription will renew automatically, and will show up in your Google Play account as ‘inkl’
    - You can turn off the automatic renewal by going to your Google Play Account Settings
    - Renewals must be turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
    - Your free trial will end, and your subscription period will start, immediately upon purchase

    For full terms and conditions please visit: https://www.inkl.com/terms

  • Version7.0.0

    Obțineți știri de încredere, organizate de jurnaliști, din întreaga lume, adaptate pentru dvs.

    Update Log

    📱 New UI engine
    🔉 Audio playback of articles
    👍 Article reactions

    App Description

    Welcome to inkl, the last news app you’ll ever download. We show you the world’s most interesting and important news, from sources you know and trust.

    Enjoy brilliant reporting and analyses from publishers you don't see on other news apps, like The Economist, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Foreign Policy, and 100+ others from around the world.

    See stories curated to inform you, surprise you, and make it easier and faster for you to follow news that matters to you. We don’t care about selling ads or going viral. inkl is a paid ad-free service, where you are the customer, not the product. Instead of clickbait and fake news, we show you real news you won’t see elsewhere. That includes our Good News feed, which starts your day with positive news. And our Analysis feed, which pulls together the latest long reads from publishers like The Financial Times and Businessweek.

    Try inkl today, with a no-obligation hassle-free 7-day trial. We won’t charge you automatically, so you won't need to cancel if you don’t like what you see. Just tap ‘download’ and start enjoying the world’s best news coverage.

    About inkl memberships purchased within the inkl app:
    - The free trial does not oblige you to purchase a subscription
    - You can delete the app during or after the trial without being charged
    - A payment will only be charged to your Google Play Account if you choose to confirm a purchase
    - Once purchased, your subscription will renew automatically, and will show up in your Google Play account as ‘inkl’
    - You can turn off the automatic renewal by going to your Google Play Account Settings
    - Renewals must be turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
    - Your free trial will end, and your subscription period will start, immediately upon purchase

    For full terms and conditions please visit: https://www.inkl.com/terms

  • Version6.26

    Obțineți știri de încredere, organizate de jurnaliști, din întreaga lume, adaptate pentru dvs.

    Update Log

    ✒️ New feature: Articles by authors

    🛠️ Miscellaneous bugfixes & improvements

    App Description

    Welcome to inkl, the last news app you’ll ever download. We show you the world’s most interesting and important news, from sources you know and trust.

    Enjoy brilliant reporting and analyses from publishers you don't see on other news apps, like The Economist, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Foreign Policy, and 100+ others from around the world.

    See stories curated to inform you, surprise you, and make it easier and faster for you to follow news that matters to you. We don’t care about selling ads or going viral. inkl is a paid ad-free service, where you are the customer, not the product. Instead of clickbait and fake news, we show you real news you won’t see elsewhere. That includes our Good News feed, which starts your day with positive news. And our Analysis feed, which pulls together the latest long reads from publishers like The Financial Times and Businessweek.

    Try inkl today, with a no-obligation hassle-free 7-day trial. We won’t charge you automatically, so you won't need to cancel if you don’t like what you see. Just tap ‘download’ and start enjoying the world’s best news coverage.

    About inkl memberships purchased within the inkl app:
    - The free trial does not oblige you to purchase a subscription
    - You can delete the app during or after the trial without being charged
    - A payment will only be charged to your Google Play Account if you choose to confirm a purchase
    - Once purchased, your subscription will renew automatically, and will show up in your Google Play account as ‘inkl’
    - You can turn off the automatic renewal by going to your Google Play Account Settings
    - Renewals must be turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
    - Your free trial will end, and your subscription period will start, immediately upon purchase

    For full terms and conditions please visit: https://www.inkl.com/terms

  • Version6.22

    Obțineți știri de încredere, organizate de jurnaliști, din întreaga lume, adaptate pentru dvs.

    Update Log

    💥 Fixed a crash on Article screen for users with an expired subscription.

    App Description

    Welcome to inkl, the last news app you’ll ever download. We show you the world’s most interesting and important news, from sources you know and trust.

    Enjoy brilliant reporting and analyses from publishers you don't see on other news apps, like The Economist, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Foreign Policy, and 100+ others from around the world.

    See stories curated to inform you, surprise you, and make it easier and faster for you to follow news that matters to you. We don’t care about selling ads or going viral. inkl is a paid ad-free service, where you are the customer, not the product. Instead of clickbait and fake news, we show you real news you won’t see elsewhere. That includes our Good News feed, which starts your day with positive news. And our Analysis feed, which pulls together the latest long reads from publishers like The Financial Times and Businessweek.

    Try inkl today, with a no-obligation hassle-free 7-day trial. We won’t charge you automatically, so you won't need to cancel if you don’t like what you see. Just tap ‘download’ and start enjoying the world’s best news coverage.

    About inkl memberships purchased within the inkl app:
    - The free trial does not oblige you to purchase a subscription
    - You can delete the app during or after the trial without being charged
    - A payment will only be charged to your Google Play Account if you choose to confirm a purchase
    - Once purchased, your subscription will renew automatically, and will show up in your Google Play account as ‘inkl’
    - You can turn off the automatic renewal by going to your Google Play Account Settings
    - Renewals must be turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
    - Your free trial will end, and your subscription period will start, immediately upon purchase

    For full terms and conditions please visit: https://www.inkl.com/terms

  • Version6.21

    Obțineți știri de încredere, organizate de jurnaliști, din întreaga lume, adaptate pentru dvs.

    App Description

    Welcome to inkl, the last news app you’ll ever download. We show you the world’s most interesting and important news, from sources you know and trust.

    Enjoy brilliant reporting and analyses from publishers you don't see on other news apps, like The Economist, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Foreign Policy, and 100+ others from around the world.

    See stories curated to inform you, surprise you, and make it easier and faster for you to follow news that matters to you. We don’t care about selling ads or going viral. inkl is a paid ad-free service, where you are the customer, not the product. Instead of clickbait and fake news, we show you real news you won’t see elsewhere. That includes our Good News feed, which starts your day with positive news. And our Analysis feed, which pulls together the latest long reads from publishers like The Financial Times and Businessweek.

    Try inkl today, with a no-obligation hassle-free 7-day trial. We won’t charge you automatically, so you won't need to cancel if you don’t like what you see. Just tap ‘download’ and start enjoying the world’s best news coverage.

    About inkl memberships purchased within the inkl app:
    - The free trial does not oblige you to purchase a subscription
    - You can delete the app during or after the trial without being charged
    - A payment will only be charged to your Google Play Account if you choose to confirm a purchase
    - Once purchased, your subscription will renew automatically, and will show up in your Google Play account as ‘inkl’
    - You can turn off the automatic renewal by going to your Google Play Account Settings
    - Renewals must be turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
    - Your free trial will end, and your subscription period will start, immediately upon purchase

    For full terms and conditions please visit: https://www.inkl.com/terms

  • Version6.19

    Obțineți știri de încredere, organizate de jurnaliști, din întreaga lume, adaptate pentru dvs.

    App Description

    Welcome to inkl, the last news app you’ll ever download. We show you the world’s most interesting and important news, from sources you know and trust.

    Enjoy brilliant reporting and analyses from publishers you don't see on other news apps, like The Economist, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Foreign Policy, and 100+ others from around the world.

    See stories curated to inform you, surprise you, and make it easier and faster for you to follow news that matters to you. We don’t care about selling ads or going viral. inkl is a paid ad-free service, where you are the customer, not the product. Instead of clickbait and fake news, we show you real news you won’t see elsewhere. That includes our Good News feed, which starts your day with positive news. And our Analysis feed, which pulls together the latest long reads from publishers like The Financial Times and Businessweek.

    Try inkl today, with a no-obligation hassle-free 7-day trial. We won’t charge you automatically, so you won't need to cancel if you don’t like what you see. Just tap ‘download’ and start enjoying the world’s best news coverage.

    About inkl memberships purchased within the inkl app:
    - The free trial does not oblige you to purchase a subscription
    - You can delete the app during or after the trial without being charged
    - A payment will only be charged to your Google Play Account if you choose to confirm a purchase
    - Once purchased, your subscription will renew automatically, and will show up in your Google Play account as ‘inkl’
    - You can turn off the automatic renewal by going to your Google Play Account Settings
    - Renewals must be turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
    - Your free trial will end, and your subscription period will start, immediately upon purchase

    For full terms and conditions please visit: https://www.inkl.com/terms

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