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Paint by Number: Coloring Game
So relaxing color by number game, I can't stop playing it!
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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The coloring is amazing and it's cool to color artist's pictures, however there are a ton of ads in the free version. Now, this is something I've accepted since it's free so it was fine for a while. The big issue is that at least once per time I open the app I'll be in the middle of coloring a picture when I'll get kicked to my Google Chrome app and a scam or fake ad pops up, which is very concerning since this is something I do to calm down and seeing a scam does anything but calm me down.

07/10/2024 07:39:45

I'm not happy the update my problems are before I got a reward when I coloured five and ten pictures now it doesn't have it also before I was able to download daily pictures with the quote and without now I can only download one without renaming it and before I didn't have to log in to get my gems now I have to. Also, it says you get 200 gems with a subscription, but I'm only getting 100. Also, when you finish colouring a photo, it gets smaller before you download. I want the old version back.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/26/2023

Thank you for using our new version, and we apologize for any issues you may have encountered. Could you please contact us through our help center and provide us with more information about the problem you are facing? This will help us to resolve your issue as quickly as possible.

07/10/2024 04:51:24

Very pretty and easy to do.

07/10/2024 04:37:17

Love it

1 0
07/10/2024 03:36:56


0 0
07/10/2024 02:58:05

The BEST coloring

07/10/2024 01:41:13


0 0
07/09/2024 22:37:05

this is the best app❤❤

0 0
07/09/2024 19:00:59

Hi, 4 the past 2wks now the majority of the pics aint available 2 colour so the collection bit & otha options isnt complete.. i ave OCD so fings ave 2 b completed b4 movin on but since there r so many & 2 many collection pics missin im now stuck & its not relaxful @ all.

07/09/2024 18:36:27

The app is very good but my sister suddenly gets angry when she plays it maybe because it takes too much time

0 0
07/09/2024 15:51:45
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