
Discounts every day
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2024 Years

Version History

  • Version6.6.2002

    Discounts every day

    Update Log

    Вечерние тёплые прогулки, летние веранды, холодные лимонады, пляжные пикники, поездки за город и небольшие технические изменения на Wildberries.

    App Description

    Wildberries is a digital platform where you can find almost everything: from fluffy unicorn slippers to a washing machine. More than 500 million different products are waiting to meet you. We deliver 80% of orders the very next day after purchase - we don’t want you to wait long.

    ♡ Order to our pick-up points in 6 countries: Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Armenia. We work in megacities and regions, which means we are always somewhere nearby: in total there are already more than 36,000 locations. In Russia there is courier delivery, and in some places we deliver to parcel terminals.

    ♡ Pay in a convenient way: for example, WB Wallet with a discount or card. In most cases, prepayment is not necessary: ​​the money will be debited only after you pick up the order.

    ♡ Save more with our sales. We have carefully collected the promotions of the day in a separate section so that you don’t have to search. We always have discounts: from Wildberries itself, from sellers and your personal one.

    ♡ Find exactly what you wanted, and even more - in the application you can set up filters by price, rating and popularity. Sort by size, brand or color. Look for similar items using the button on the product photo and in the recommendations.

    ♡ Set aside items you like. While you are thinking, waiting for a price reduction, or just want to buy something for an important date, add it to your deferred list. The product will be at hand when needed.

    ♡ Download the Wildberries app and buy what you want in one place and at any time. If at midnight you remember that you forgot to buy food for your cat or a gift for your loved ones, you can count on us!

  • Version6.6.1001

    Discounts every day

    Update Log

    Вечерние тёплые прогулки, летние веранды, холодные лимонады, пляжные пикники, поездки за город и небольшие технические изменения на Wildberries.

    App Description

    Wildberries is a digital platform where you can find almost everything: from fluffy unicorn slippers to a washing machine. More than 500 million different products are waiting to meet you. We deliver 80% of orders the very next day after purchase - we don’t want you to wait long.

    ♡ Order to our pick-up points in 6 countries: Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Armenia. We work in megacities and regions, which means we are always somewhere nearby: in total there are already more than 36,000 locations. In Russia there is courier delivery, and in some places we deliver to parcel terminals.

    ♡ Pay in a convenient way: for example, WB Wallet with a discount or card. In most cases, prepayment is not necessary: ​​the money will be debited only after you pick up the order.

    ♡ Save more with our sales. We have carefully collected the promotions of the day in a separate section so that you don’t have to search. We always have discounts: from Wildberries itself, from sellers and your personal one.

    ♡ Find exactly what you wanted, and even more - in the application you can set up filters by price, rating and popularity. Sort by size, brand or color. Look for similar items using the button on the product photo and in the recommendations.

    ♡ Set aside items you like. While you are thinking, waiting for a price reduction, or just want to buy something for an important date, add it to your deferred list. The product will be at hand when needed.

    ♡ Download the Wildberries app and buy what you want in one place and at any time. If at midnight you remember that you forgot to buy food for your cat or a gift for your loved ones, you can count on us!

  • Version6.6.0001

    Discounts every day

    Update Log

    На время июньской распродажи поменяем иконку приложения, чтобы она гипнотизировала, обещала выгодные цены, долгожданные покупки и хорошее настроение. Обновите и расскажите — работает или нет?

    App Description

    Wildberries is a digital platform where you can find almost everything: from fluffy unicorn slippers to a washing machine. More than 500 million different products are waiting to meet you. We deliver 80% of orders the very next day after purchase - we don’t want you to wait long.

    ♡ Order to our pick-up points in 6 countries: Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Armenia. We work in megacities and regions, which means we are always somewhere nearby: in total there are already more than 36,000 locations. In Russia there is courier delivery, and in some places we deliver to parcel terminals.

    ♡ Pay in a convenient way: for example, WB Wallet with a discount or card. In most cases, prepayment is not necessary: ​​the money will be debited only after you pick up the order.

    ♡ Save more with our sales. We have carefully collected the promotions of the day in a separate section so that you don’t have to search. We always have discounts: from Wildberries itself, from sellers and your personal one.

    ♡ Find exactly what you wanted, and even more - in the application you can set up filters by price, rating and popularity. Sort by size, brand or color. Look for similar items using the button on the product photo and in the recommendations.

    ♡ Set aside items you like. While you are thinking, waiting for a price reduction, or just want to buy something for an important date, add it to your deferred list. The product will be at hand when needed.

    ♡ Download the Wildberries app and buy what you want in one place and at any time. If at midnight you remember that you forgot to buy food for your cat or a gift for your loved ones, you can count on us!

  • Version6.5.9001

    Discounts every day

    Update Log

    Люблю купить в начале мая
    Купальник, шубу и гуся.
    Лопату, краску для сарая,
    Ещё прикорм для порося.

    Шампур, панамку, крем защитный,
    Кровать, очки и сарафан,
    Мангал, угли, ковёр элитный,
    Машину, лодку, параплан.

    Майская чёрная пятница продолжается. А мы продолжаем делать всё, чтобы ваши покупки проходили как по маслу.

    App Description

    Wildberries is a digital platform where you can find almost everything: from fluffy unicorn slippers to a washing machine. More than 500 million different products are waiting to meet you. We deliver 80% of orders the very next day after purchase - we don’t want you to wait long.

    ♡ Order to our pick-up points in 6 countries: Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Armenia. We work in megacities and regions, which means we are always somewhere nearby: in total there are already more than 36,000 locations. In Russia there is courier delivery, and in some places we deliver to parcel terminals.

    ♡ Pay in a convenient way: for example, WB Wallet with a discount or card. In most cases, prepayment is not necessary: ​​the money will be debited only after you pick up the order.

    ♡ Save more with our sales. We have carefully collected the promotions of the day in a separate section so that you don’t have to search. We always have discounts: from Wildberries itself, from sellers and your personal one.

    ♡ Find exactly what you wanted, and even more - in the application you can set up filters by price, rating and popularity. Sort by size, brand or color. Look for similar items using the button on the product photo and in the recommendations.

    ♡ Set aside items you like. While you are thinking, waiting for a price reduction, or just want to buy something for an important date, add it to your deferred list. The product will be at hand when needed.

    ♡ Download the Wildberries app and buy what you want in one place and at any time. If at midnight you remember that you forgot to buy food for your cat or a gift for your loved ones, you can count on us!

  • Version6.5.8001

    Discounts every day

    Update Log

    И хочется в стихах сказать,
    Что иногда нам просто нужно
    Что-то обновлять.

    Проще говоря — снова технические работы без внешних изменений.

    App Description

    Wildberries is a digital platform where you can find almost everything: from fluffy unicorn slippers to a washing machine. More than 500 million different products are waiting to meet you. We deliver 80% of orders the very next day after purchase - we don’t want you to wait long.

    ♡ Order to our pick-up points in 6 countries: Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Armenia. We work in megacities and regions, which means we are always somewhere nearby: in total there are already more than 36,000 locations. In Russia there is courier delivery, and in some places we deliver to parcel terminals.

    ♡ Pay in a convenient way: for example, WB Wallet with a discount or card. In most cases, prepayment is not necessary: ​​the money will be debited only after you pick up the order.

    ♡ Save more with our sales. We have carefully collected the promotions of the day in a separate section so that you don’t have to search. We always have discounts: from Wildberries itself, from sellers and your personal one.

    ♡ Find exactly what you wanted, and even more - in the application you can set up filters by price, rating and popularity. Sort by size, brand or color. Look for similar items using the button on the product photo and in the recommendations.

    ♡ Set aside items you like. While you are thinking, waiting for a price reduction, or just want to buy something for an important date, add it to your deferred list. The product will be at hand when needed.

    ♡ Download the Wildberries app and buy what you want in one place and at any time. If at midnight you remember that you forgot to buy food for your cat or a gift for your loved ones, you can count on us!

  • Version6.5.7003

    Discounts every day

    Update Log

    Теперь есть четыре вещи, на которые можно смотреть бесконечно: огонь, вода, работающие люди и новый главный экран Wildberries. Там стало меньше рекламы, а товаров, которые попадают в ваши интересы — бесконечно больше. Осторожно, это вызывает привыкание: мы сами не знаем, как остановиться и перестать заказывать.

    App Description

    Wildberries is a digital platform where you can find almost everything: from fluffy unicorn slippers to a washing machine. More than 500 million different products are waiting to meet you. We deliver 80% of orders the very next day after purchase - we don’t want you to wait long.

    ♡ Order to our pick-up points in 6 countries: Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Armenia. We work in megacities and regions, which means we are always somewhere nearby: in total there are already more than 36,000 locations. In Russia there is courier delivery, and in some places we deliver to parcel terminals.

    ♡ Pay in a convenient way: for example, WB Wallet with a discount or card. In most cases, prepayment is not necessary: ​​the money will be debited only after you pick up the order.

    ♡ Save more with our sales. We have carefully collected the promotions of the day in a separate section so that you don’t have to search. We always have discounts: from Wildberries itself, from sellers and your personal one.

    ♡ Find exactly what you wanted, and even more - in the application you can set up filters by price, rating and popularity. Sort by size, brand or color. Look for similar items using the button on the product photo and in the recommendations.

    ♡ Set aside items you like. While you are thinking, waiting for a price reduction, or just want to buy something for an important date, add it to your deferred list. The product will be at hand when needed.

    ♡ Download the Wildberries app and buy what you want in one place and at any time. If at midnight you remember that you forgot to buy food for your cat or a gift for your loved ones, you can count on us!

  • Version6.5.6004

    Discounts every day

    Update Log

    Если бы «Что нового» писал Михаил Пришвин:

    Выходишь на улицу весной — и вроде всё по-прежнему: деревья голые, небо хмуро, морозец ещё колюч. А всё-таки воздух уже нет тот, уже летом веет от земли.

    Так и с релизом: внешне всё так же, но большие работы идут.

    App Description

    Wildberries is a digital platform where you can find almost everything: from fluffy unicorn slippers to a washing machine. More than 500 million different products are waiting to meet you. We deliver 80% of orders the very next day after purchase - we don’t want you to wait long.

    ♡ Order to our pick-up points in 6 countries: Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Armenia. We work in megacities and regions, which means we are always somewhere nearby: in total there are already more than 36,000 locations. In Russia there is courier delivery, and in some places we deliver to parcel terminals.

    ♡ Pay in a convenient way: for example, WB Wallet with a discount or card. In most cases, prepayment is not necessary: ​​the money will be debited only after you pick up the order.

    ♡ Save more with our sales. We have carefully collected the promotions of the day in a separate section so that you don’t have to search. We always have discounts: from Wildberries itself, from sellers and your personal one.

    ♡ Find exactly what you wanted, and even more - in the application you can set up filters by price, rating and popularity. Sort by size, brand or color. Look for similar items using the button on the product photo and in the recommendations.

    ♡ Set aside items you like. While you are thinking, waiting for a price reduction, or just want to buy something for an important date, add it to your deferred list. The product will be at hand when needed.

    ♡ Download the Wildberries app and buy what you want in one place and at any time. If at midnight you remember that you forgot to buy food for your cat or a gift for your loved ones, you can count on us!

  • Version6.5.4002

    Discounts every day

    Update Log

    Сразу две долгожданные новости:

    1. Если решите заранее, в доставках, оплатить заказ с оплатой при получении, то в способах увидите WB Кошелёк — и скидку, которая ему полагается. Раньше их там не было.

    2. А ещё из кошелька теперь можно вывести деньги. Но сначала понадобится увеличить его лимит: Профиль → WB Кошелёк → Увеличить лимит.

    App Description

    Wildberries is a digital platform where you can find almost everything: from fluffy unicorn slippers to a washing machine. More than 500 million different products are waiting to meet you. We deliver 80% of orders the very next day after purchase - we don’t want you to wait long.

    ♡ Order to our pick-up points in 6 countries: Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Armenia. We work in megacities and regions, which means we are always somewhere nearby: in total there are already more than 36,000 locations. In Russia there is courier delivery, and in some places we deliver to parcel terminals.

    ♡ Pay in a convenient way: for example, WB Wallet with a discount or card. In most cases, prepayment is not necessary: ​​the money will be debited only after you pick up the order.

    ♡ Save more with our sales. We have carefully collected the promotions of the day in a separate section so that you don’t have to search. We always have discounts: from Wildberries itself, from sellers and your personal one.

    ♡ Find exactly what you wanted, and even more - in the application you can set up filters by price, rating and popularity. Sort by size, brand or color. Look for similar items using the button on the product photo and in the recommendations.

    ♡ Set aside items you like. While you are thinking, waiting for a price reduction, or just want to buy something for an important date, add it to your deferred list. The product will be at hand when needed.

    ♡ Download the Wildberries app and buy what you want in one place and at any time. If at midnight you remember that you forgot to buy food for your cat or a gift for your loved ones, you can count on us!

  • Version6.5.3003

    WILDBERRIES - discounts every day

    Update Log

    Готовим сервис к совсем тёплым денькам, чтобы вы быстро находили те самые шорты, юбки, солнечные очки и ослепительно-белые кроссовки для чистого сухого (наконец-то!) асфальта.

    App Description

    The Wildberries app is:
    • favorable and convenient purchases;
    • more than 500 million goods in warehouses;
    • more than 28,000 distribution points with convenient fitting rooms;
    • interesting offers, additional discounts and promotions;
    • discounts for regular customers;
    • delivery throughout Russia and beyond - more than 80% of goods are delivered the next day.

    In the Wildberries app, you can buy everything: clothes, shoes, children's products, electronics and appliances, pet supplies, stationery, sporting goods, everything for repairing and creating comfort in the house. We are constantly expanding our range, while maintaining the quality of delivery.

    We have a flexible system of discounts. We regularly inform you about the arrival of the goods you are interested in, current discounts and promotions, so as not to miss them.

  • Version6.5.2000

    WILDBERRIES - discounts every day

    Update Log

    Друзья, это релиз весны: на вид всё так же, но ощущения уже совсем другие. Кстати, у всех есть резиновые сапоги?

    App Description

    The Wildberries app is:
    • favorable and convenient purchases;
    • more than 500 million goods in warehouses;
    • more than 28,000 distribution points with convenient fitting rooms;
    • interesting offers, additional discounts and promotions;
    • discounts for regular customers;
    • delivery throughout Russia and beyond - more than 80% of goods are delivered the next day.

    In the Wildberries app, you can buy everything: clothes, shoes, children's products, electronics and appliances, pet supplies, stationery, sporting goods, everything for repairing and creating comfort in the house. We are constantly expanding our range, while maintaining the quality of delivery.

    We have a flexible system of discounts. We regularly inform you about the arrival of the goods you are interested in, current discounts and promotions, so as not to miss them.

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