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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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I would like the app but it logs me out at least 3 times a day and it crashes a lot. It would be nice to have a "save login and password" option. It's very frustrating

0 0
07/01/2024 05:28:01

Makes SevenRooms look like a luxury platform. Android app may as well not exist. LAND LORD SPECIAL "SUPPORT" After 3 months of our company going back to them for our reservation system, I'm confident we could get out of our contracts due to lack of support ALONE! Zero trust in a company that buys other brands to bury their tech instead of utilizing it. If you're in a race to the bottom or want to ensure your management gets zero answers for weeks on end, you're Home!

5 0
06/15/2024 13:23:16

This app has been bad for years and has never been updated. crashes all the time, always logging out, missing tons of functionality, a lot of the integrations feel clunky and off. Could be such a useful tool but it just falls short almost every chance it gets

1 0
06/12/2024 20:57:16

Connectivity issues ,hand up Everytime

1 0
06/12/2024 05:06:52

Freezes on splash screen. Takes forever to load. Why don't you fix this app? It's not hard. You're just being lazy and only supporting iPhone. I work in a restaurant, and I didn't sign up for an iPhone by extension. Just lazy. Bad job all around.

1 0
06/07/2024 13:13:44

Android app needs some work! The iPhone app is much better, and more functional. All you can do now is basically look at the floor instead of all of the great things the apple app allows you to do.

1 0
By Jo Bee
06/07/2024 03:28:39
No data yet.No data yet.
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6 reviews