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Pokémon UNITE
5-on-5 Strategic Team Pokémon Battles!
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Pokemon is goated

0 0
07/15/2024 06:32:26

I love the but we need NEW CONTENT that will hype the people to play this game. New map, new Mechanic's, and many more. Be more creative please.

0 0
07/15/2024 06:04:59

I just downloaded it and I really wanted to play then came the terms and policy thing when I would click on the page and finish reading it then exit it would restart the entire game and not even recognize I red it so please fix it then I will bump the review up but please fix it I really want to play it.This includes the same with the policy thing.

0 0
07/15/2024 05:00:36

I love it

07/15/2024 04:53:41


0 0
By Ok Id
07/15/2024 04:33:13

They can't seem to make ballenced teams it's stacked to one side

07/15/2024 04:02:27

Great game, ranked sometimes feels like a let down nd not much customisation for f2ps bt the game is good nd addicting. Although I'll for more content to get added as nothing new makes it boring

0 0
07/15/2024 01:44:35

This game could've been great, but the trash matchmaking always pairs me with brainless idiots who don't even understand their Pokémon roles. They all fight for the center lane, jungle without backing down, and squabble over leveling up first. Sometimes, I'm stuck with teams ranked below mine, endlessly farming with no contribution. They have no idea how to team play, only caring about themselves, constantly leveling up while the rest suffer. These useless players should be banned!

07/15/2024 01:00:01

Super game for pokemon fans

0 0
By Jenisha
07/15/2024 00:52:14

I am really a fan of this game as i love Pokemons....but i am always facing match making in ranked mode this issue totally spoils my game.....it takes tooo long to enter into a ranked battle, please see to it and help guys

0 0
07/15/2024 00:49:31
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