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Prime day deal - liars!

By Mirahnda   

Got an email saying they had a prime day deal for $29 per year. When you click the button it takes you to the page at $36 per year. I don’t do business with liars.

07/18/2024 12:38:41
Personally, I love it and highly recommend

By Josc_R   

It is great straight to the bottom line if your time is valuable or you don’t have so much of it you gotta try it and see what you think 😉

07/17/2024 20:23:13

By Charles5567   

So grateful for this app and everything I have learned from it. Incredible thank you!

07/16/2024 19:27:17
Holy Bias

By GetRealWorld   

Yikes - so many books not available. They clearly have an agenda. Unreal.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/15/2024

Hi, thanks for your feedback, and sorry to hear you think so. When building our library, we strive to include all significant perspectives. Including a title in our selection thus is not automatically an endorsement of its point of view. We still hope you find other Blinks that interest you in our 7000+ titles library. All the best, Team Blinkist

07/13/2024 23:52:19
Best App Ever!

By MissyLynneP   

Blinkist was recommended by a member of a networking group that I belong to and I couldn’t download it fast enough!
While I am an avid reader, I don’t always have the time to dig into a meaty nonfiction book.
Blinkist is perfect for keeping me on track with my reading, and does such a great job of breaking the most important points down into a short read or listen that I never feel like I missed anything!

07/03/2024 18:08:12
Buggiest app ever

By Old Uber Lover   

Concept great, but app hardly ever works smoothly. Quite frustrating getting on an airplane and all your “downloads” won’t play. Or your library not syncing between devices. Please fix it. I’m a one time customer because of your issues.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/04/2024

Hi there, Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the inconvenience. Please try to delete and reinstall the app. If issues persist, please reach out to us via [email protected] from your registered email address and we'll be happy to look into this and help you further. All the best, Team Blinkist

07/02/2024 19:25:09
My immediate reaction

By Just posted s   

It’s “free!” Until you get less than 60 seconds into it, when you learn that the “free”part is just syllabi and they throw a big $99/year “one time” offer and they hide the x to dismiss the offer. I wonder if they have books on integrity in marketing.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

Hi there, thanks for your feedback. There is a free plan available and while on this you can read and/or listen to one pre-selected book-in-blinks per day. This can be accessed on the mobile app where it is listed as the Blink of the Day at the top of the “For You” screen. We hope this helps, Team Blinkist

07/02/2024 11:11:17
Many Titles

By Rita Round   

The content and your painstaking extrapolation of the salient information is usually very good.
I have listened to blinks of books that I have read cover to cover, (example: Nicholas Boothman) and wondered how particular information could have been omitted. But I’m certain it must be difficult to weigh it all up.
I’d love to see different titles. Some older classics, perhaps. Carolyn Myss for example.
I realize that the author/publisher must agree.
I’d like much more varied narration. I often find it somewhat monotonous and affected in delivery.
That said, it is a marvelous service you provide.
Thank you.

07/02/2024 09:28:46
Annoying ads

By Texas Waterboy   

App spams you with notifications for a sale. No thanks!

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

Hi, thanks for your feedback, and apologies for any inconvenience caused by this. We've passed your feedback to our product team. All the best, Team Blinkist

06/30/2024 08:41:14
Bait and switch?

By Nyc Ss   

I signed up for the basic one year subscription. I’ve had a very hard time finding titles that don’t require me to “upgrade”. It seems like most of their “recommended titles” for me to read, their marketing emails, etc are all just pushing me to upgrade as opposed to helping me find titles with my basic subscription

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/29/2024

Hi there, Thanks for your comment, andapologies for the inconvenience! Please tap on the option “Restore purchases”, which you can find in the app’s settings. If the problem still persists, please reach out to us via [email protected] from your account email address and we'll be happy to help. All the best, Team Blinkist

06/27/2024 07:21:06
No data yet.No data yet.
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