You'll have a Fiendtastic time watching all of our videos and playing games along with the Fiends! We are so glad you stopped by and we hope you enjoy your stay with us as we learn, sing, create and play together. We'll be your Best Fiends Forever! Meet the FIENDS: Hi there my fellow Fiends! I'm Vamp, that's V-A-M-P! I'm the head of the house and I live with my fiends at Vamp Manor. I hold special powers that come from my family's lineage of witches and vampires. Hi! I'm Cubbie, that's C-U-B-B-I-E! I'm a fruit bat and I love fruit! Ohhh I love apples, they are my favorite! I love to fly and I'm 5 years old and OHH, I just got a new fang! What's up my little Fiends and Fiendettes! I'm Howlin the werewolf, that's H-O-W-L-I-N! I'm the older brother and I love to hang with my favorite Fiends! Whenever you see the moon, remember me and howl with me... AWWOOOOOOO!!! HULLO! I'm a zombie and my name is DK, that's short for Dee...Kay. I'm intelligent, sophisticated and devastatingly handsome! Oh, and I'm also very modest. I am obviously the BRAAAAAAINS of the group. I love to eat and am always starving! My favorite is cake, ohhhh I love cake! STARVING!!! Hi! I'm BOO, that's B-O-O! I'm the ghostest with the mostest! I'm a shy ghost, I don't talk much, unless you're a chosen one. I'm always high in spirit and I love making new fiends! Will you be my best fiend forever!? You can meet the rest of the FIENDS at