The Marine fuel converter was specifically designed with user satisfaction and usability in mind. This app is ready to get the job done anytime, anywhere. Oil and gas operators, royalty owners, engineers, bankers or anyone in the oil and gas industry are saving valuable time calculating values. Calculations on oil and gas wells utilises long and tedious mathematical algorithms and can sometimes take up most of your day. That’s why we developed this petroleum calculator to allow you to focus more of your day on making money and less of it doing math. This convertor is a simple and useful tool for calculation on petroleum products to obtain the following: API gravity - Density conversion Volume m³ - Metric Ton conversion Gross Standard Volume Metric Tons (in vac) Metric Tons (in air) Gross Barrels US Barrels @ 60°F US Gallons Short Tons Long Tons V.C.F - Volume Correction Factor W.C.F - Weight Correction Factor CCAI - Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index