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Happy ASMR Hospital
Connect Dots and Baby Care
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Needs Improvement

By Jordan Bergeson   

I enjoy playing this game, keeps my mind moving. I do have issue with the fact that sometimes when I update - I do not receive my award. This happens constantly. Work on treating the people who play better and this game would be amazing.

07/15/2024 08:22:40

By Dr. Leaf Lady   

It’s a fun game BUT you’ll have to spend money AND it’s not like the pictures/ad. Eventually, losing all the time unless you spend money gets old. I’m looking for another game because of it.
And what the heck is up with the naked baby butt pics in the ad???

Developer Replies Reply Time 02/23/2024

Thank you for playing the game. Please feel free to contact us in the game if you have any concerns about the game, or anything you think can help us to improve the game. We value your feedback and investigate the feasibility of your suggestion.

07/15/2024 07:31:15

By ankowhsb   

Here's an honest and lengthy review. The game is truly unfair because it requires players to earn enough money for each level. If you don't upgrade according to the game's "highly recommended" suggestions, you need to use the tricks that the game gives you. When you lose, you only get 1/10 of the money you earned. I really don't know how to save enough money to upgrade and pass the levels without paying. YOU WILL DEFINITELY HAVE TO PAY TO PASS A LEVEL! The game is not really fair, or maybe they're still working on creating the next levels, so this is the only way to keep me stuck on one level and unable to pass it! From level 50 onwards, the game starts to demand more, and it becomes increasingly difficult to win. And how can you earn $1700 when you only get $200 or less when you lose? Where is the fairness?

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/16/2024

Thank you for playing the game. It is completely free. There are challenging levels, but many players pass them without spending a dime. You can do it too! If you'd like to learn some game skills, please feel free to follow our fan page and join the player group, people are sharing!

07/12/2024 19:33:38
More bugs

By Lynn1952   

Just updated and says fixes bugs, well bugs are able to keep me from loading the game at all.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/16/2024

Thank you for playing the game. Please feel free to contact our email: [email protected], we are right here to help you. And we welcome all the constructive suggestions and will keep on improving the game.

07/08/2024 11:31:15

By taicheal   

Guess I won’t be playing bc they won’t let you pass unless you connect to fb! No thank you

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/16/2024

Thank you for playing the game. We are sorry about the problem you encountered. Please contact us in the game with more information and get direct help from customer support. We value your feedback and will keep on working hard to improve the game quality and performance.

07/05/2024 20:20:44

By Dr. Leaf Lady    (This review has been deleted)

It’s a fun game BUT you’ll have to spend money AND it’s not like the pictures/ad. And what the heck is up with the naked baby butt pics in the ad???

Developer Replies Reply Time 02/23/2024

Thank you for playing the game. Please feel free to contact us in the game if you have any concerns about the game, or anything you think can help us to improve the game. We value your feedback and investigate the feasibility of your suggestion.

07/04/2024 03:02:43
Still can’t login ever since the update!

By Boobie500   

This new update will not let me get in, it continues to say they want me to login with facebook so they can share my information 😏 if i don’t it won’t open, and I’ve tried logging in but it’s not working, telling me to make a new fb account but I’m already logged in fb, telling me it’s not the right password, so if i try making a new account then it shuts it down and i have to start again, so i haven’t played in almost a week, please fix, we should have a option to share fb account it shouldn’t be mandatory!

Developer Replies Reply Time 08/26/2022

Thank you for playing the game. We are sorry about the problem you encountered. Please contact us in the game with more information and get direct help from customer support. We value your feedback and will keep on working hard to improve the game quality and performance.

06/30/2024 12:07:17
Can’t login

By Boobie500    (This review has been deleted)

This new update will not let me get in, it continues to say they want me to login with facebook so they can share my information 😏 if i don’t it won’t open, and I’ve tried logging in but it’s not working, telling me to make a new fb account but I’m already logged in fb, telling me it’s not the right password, so if i try making a new account then it shuts it down and i have to start again, so i haven’t played in almost a week, please fix, we should have a option to share fb account it shouldn’t be mandatory!

Developer Replies Reply Time 08/26/2022

Thank you for playing the game. We are sorry about the problem you encountered. Please contact us in the game with more information and get direct help from customer support. We value your feedback and will keep on working hard to improve the game quality and performance.

06/25/2024 12:06:03
Great Game… but Not Fair might DELETE

By Fondoffreckles   

I’ll start off by saying I love this game… but it’s is extremely unfair. The nurse in this game is severely underpaid for the amount of upgrades and price of the upgrades. To upgrade one item it might be 9000 coins but only get paid 2000 for winning a level. So then you have to win several levels to upgrade one or two items.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/27/2024

Thank you for playing the game. Please feel free to contact us in the game if you have any concerns about the game, or anything you think can help us to improve the game. We value your feedback and investigate the feasibility of your suggestion.

06/24/2024 22:38:01

I love how the person of this game made it challenging, if it’s challenging it’s fun! I love how there are actually ASMR sounds when you get rid of the music the game makes more sense when you play it! I love how you can dress up your nurse and unlock different levels and worlds, each level gets harder which I love! All you need is just patience and what the game gives you is worth it I promise! ✨❤️

06/21/2024 01:02:00
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