The NAIC Home Inventory App makes it easy to create a record of all your belongings, including the ability to scan barcodes and upload photos of your items. An accurate home inventory gives your insurance carrier the information they need to help settle your claims. The app also provides tips around disaster mitigation and filing your insurance claim. CREATING YOUR HOME INVENTORY IS FAST AND EASY • Group your belongings by room and category • Quickly capture pictures of your belongings • Scan barcodes for accurate information about your items • Export your inventory at any time BE PREPARED The app provides disaster preparedness tips for homeowners and renters, answering common questions to ensure you’re informed and prepared. FILING A CLAIM If you need to file an insurance claim, the app provides details about steps to take and useful resources to help you through the claims process. ABOUT NAIC Supporting Regulators & Insurance Standards in America since 1871, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is the U.S. standard-setting and regulatory support organization created and governed by the chief insurance regulators. We assist state insurance regulators, individually and collectively, in serving the public interest. We are driven by our members and their mission to protect consumers and ensure fair, competitive, and healthy insurance markets. Consumer Protection By providing unique, dedicated, and unparalleled resources and tools, we support an agile and effective state-based system of consumer protection. Visit for access to tools and resources to help you understand different types of insurance, claims processes, and practical tips that can support you at every stage of your life.