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Queue - Find Movies & Shows
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A bit inaccurate of channels

By Jordanvt   

It’s a useful tool for researching a film by name. The channel information is somewhat in accurate; I frequently found that it says it can be found somewhere but is not. If there was a way to provide user feedback to listings, that would be an excellent enhancement and would probably correct this problem..

07/11/2024 20:07:13
best app ever

By Fgdhzggst   

i open this app every single time i’m abt to watch something or am interested in something. it lets you know what streaming services movies & shows are on and wether or not they are free for you based on your subscription!! seriously goes above and beyond in every aspect possible. i’ve tried converting to letterboxd so many times so i can be on the same platform as my friends but it has NOTHINGGGG on queue. this is simply so much better than any other movie/tv app

07/11/2024 18:51:30
Lack of notification settings

By JustOneAndDone   

I love this app, plan on using it as long as it keeps being developed but please allow me to edit notification.
One of the most annoying things an app can do is bombard you with notification and not let you turn them off. There’s no settings to stop the “X movie is available on streaming”.
Please add notification settings so I can turn these off or else I have to turn off the entire apps notifications. Let me pick what to be notified about.

07/10/2024 16:11:40
not to sound like a boomer grandpa but CHANGE IT BACK 😞💔

By toasterstrudelll   

PLEASE i just reinstalled the app again after a few months and what’s up with the new update 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭?? cool new features, but why are the placement of the posters now like THAT??? the layout looks soooo much cooler and CLEANER before what happened……….. it feels like i just stepped into a bad 🏴‍☠️ web whats up with that………

07/10/2024 06:05:00
Great app

By Lizzie.arnold   

I love this app but I wish there was a way to organize your shows by length (# of of episodes) especially in the currently watching section

Developer Replies Reply Time 01/30/2024

Thanks for using Queue and taking the time to write a review!
Yes, good idea, I like that a lot. Will think about how to add that 🤔

07/09/2024 23:02:56
Swipe with friends doesnt work at all.

By DctGti   

My fiance and i hot this app to try to find movies to watch and tried for a solid hour to get the swipe with friends feature to work, everytime even when purposefully swiping the same titles it always shows 0 matches. Makes the purpose of the app basically useless.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/11/2024

Hi! Sorry about that. We discovered a bug that impacts some new users on your first app open - if you and your partner both force close the app and re-open, it should work perfectly. Sorry for the inconvenience, we're working quickly to launch a fix for this bug!

07/07/2024 23:51:42
Crash when trying to swipe

By Usama Abdul Aziz   

If I try to swipe, app crashes instantly.

07/07/2024 07:27:36
The people in charge of banning/suspending

By UR2QT   

The people in charge of this are some leftist, liberal, feminist, woke libtards. If you post a negative review not hating on any individual group/person/franchise you will still get suspended/banned!!

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/08/2024

To anyone reading the reviews, curious what this is about...
This user was aggressively using slurs and hateful language. You can hate certain movies or shows for whatever reason. But you used slurs repeatedly (despite multiple warnings) and specifically targeted, harassed, and bullied individual users. You then told a user to k*ll themselves. And after I warned you *again* to cut it out you told me to k*ll myself. There should be a case study on these series of interactions on how *not* to negotiate, because your 2 week suspension we offered you is now a lifetime ban.
This has nothing to do with politics. On what planet would we - or any other developer - want you interacting with users on their app? Get a grip homie, it's just movies and shows.

07/05/2024 10:49:30
Only thing needed for perfection

By Mac8805   

To whom this regards, I see progress and I know you guys are working to improve the app. The last thing you guys need to do that drives me crazy is to fix browsing through your list of movies, you have to tap in and out to see each movie rather than being able to swipe straight to the next movie on the list. I beg you guys to fix this it will perfect the app!

07/05/2024 00:56:28
Almost useful

By 14PC   

They’re so close to making it perfect. Need to work out some kinks. The 60 second timer is really stupid and restrictive. The movie filters don’t work (selected sci-fi and 27 Dresses was offered), and the same movies get thrown out a lot - 27 Dresses, Us, and Serendipity (amongst others) were offered every time we swiped. Fix those three things and this is a great idea.

06/30/2024 17:39:57
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