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FAKE advertisement it's not free I actually wanted to read one story but you had to have V.I.P to read it not school

0 0
07/13/2024 06:36:05

It says free reading its not free at all

07/12/2024 08:55:54

This app sucks so bad like dint even bother with this app

07/10/2024 22:03:46

It's bait. You can only continue reading a book if you subscribe and pay. Nope. Too many free books out there. Rip off

07/09/2024 20:59:47

Don't waiste your time I paid for the subscription and once that subscription was over none of the stories I completed would allow me to read without renewal I completed em I should be able to read em again if I want w/out having to pay for em again total bs!!!!!!!!

10 0
07/04/2024 11:39:42

My child subscribe for this app either my card and I don't have the money to pay for this. I would like a refund for the $19 because I don't want it.

0 0
07/04/2024 08:22:13

Definitely NOT FREE!!! Cost is way too high. Ridiculous

0 0
07/03/2024 22:11:37

Your add says FREE novels. Well how come when I get to chapter 9 I have to subscribe and it costs over 100.00 a year. I don't get it. Why not be honest and let us know we will have to pay for these books. I thought i would have to watch adds to get free chapters. 😡🤨🥺😭

0 0
07/03/2024 19:10:39

Free to read all chapters and all books... yet you have to pay for VIP in order to continue reading. Paying a subscription does not equal free. If you have to have a subscription for some of the books because they are VIP, then you can't say all chapter and all books free...uninstalled

07/03/2024 10:30:58

In the ad it says it is free to read the story, not even half way through you have to subscribe. It is $0.10 for three days or $129.99 for a year. If it is free it should be free for at least one story.

0 0
07/02/2024 21:19:15
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