The metaverse for everyone! We invite you to ZEP ZEP is an open metaverse platform, enabling fun and meaningful meetings and gatherings. Stuffy Meetings Come Alive Change meetings where you had to sit idly just looking at other participants’ faces into meetings bustling with activity. Use emotes through your avatar and enjoy active meetings full of content and games. Your meetings will become richer experiences. Fun and Exciting Games Play everything from simple OX quizzes, to catch-the-tail, to zombie and maze games. There is never a dull moment in ZEP as it is filled with fun activities where you can chat and laugh with your colleagues and friends. Express Emotes through Your Avatar In Zep, you can dress up your avatar however you like. Express Emotes through your avatar to make chats more colorful and fun. The Place Where Everyone Can Be a Creator Decorate meeting and gathering spaces however you like. You can also create content, games, and costumes using the provided development tools. In ZEP, anyone can be a creator.