NOTE: To use this app, make sure you have an account registered on the Inkdrop website. ## Effortlessly Organize and Simplify Your Markdown Notes Inkdrop enables you to write in user-friendly, GitHub-flavored Markdown, complete with inline code syntax highlighting support. Unleash your creativity and transform your ideas into beautifully formatted notes! ## Streamline Your Thoughts & Boost Productivity Experience a seamless, low-friction note-taking workflow, empowering you to accomplish more in less time. With Inkdrop's effortless organization, you can focus on what truly matters: creating your best work. ## Access Your Notes Anytime, Anywhere, Securely Inkdrop quickly synchronizes your notes across multiple devices, ensuring you always have access to your most important thoughts. With end-to-end encryption, your notes remain secure and confidential. Plus, you can read and write even while offline, thanks to local data storage within the app. Terms of use: