Did you ever wish you could clip or bookmark an important moment inside a video so that you could easily find it in future or share it with a friend? We created KLOOJJ to do exactly that. We also created a unique tagging system that lets you organize your clips without having to organize anything. Sound impossible? It not only possible, it's so easy, you will wish that tagging worked this way with every app. Clip, bookmark, tag, save, share and easily find all the important moments inside of virtually any video. SAVE AND SHARE CLIPS INSIDE VIDEOS • Create Kloojjs (clips) of all the most important moments inside web-based videos. • Share Kloojjs by sharing to your friends and followers, by email, or by sharing Kloojjs directly to your favorite social networks. • Discuss Kloojjs by adding and responding to comments. UNCLUTTER YOUR DIGITAL LIFE • Organize everything without having to organize anything using Kloojj’s unique multi-level tagging system. Finally, a tag that means something!! • Create tags that work like your own custom filters to make it fast and easy to find any Kloojjs in seconds. • Surf www.Kloojj.com to find and follow the users who create the Kloojjs that matter most. ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANY DEVICE • Kloojj works with and syncs across all your devices. • You can share videos to Kloojj from apps like Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, and many others. • Use KloojjCam to create Kloojjs while recording videos from your phone’s camera. Kloojj will forever change how you engage with web-based videos.