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24GO by 24 Hour Fitness
Personalized Fitness Experi...
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First workout

By sexy_awesomeness   

This was definitely a great way to get started! I enjoyed all of the possible modifications.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/12/2024

Thank you very much for your review!!!

07/08/2024 20:11:24
Videos on app are sub par

By Hilarie Houghton   

For such a large organization, I expected more from them. After trying out some of their videos, I think I’ll just stick to what I can get for free on YouTube or other places. However, I do like how this allows you to build a workout calendar for yourself — and drag and drop your workouts. I just wish my gym had more classes, as there are only a handful to choose from each week. Being in the middle of a major metro area (Dallas), I’m super surprised they don’t offer more classes.

07/04/2024 11:39:34
Have fun getting overcharged

By marshallarteest   

I woke up today to a message from my banking stating that I was $67 overdrawn in my account. I looked at bank statement and saw a charge from 24 hour fitness. I scrolled down to see another charge from 24 hour fitness earlier this month. I called billing to tell them they’d charged me twice in the same month. The representative on the phone told me that the previous fee, which is more than ten dollars higher than my actually monthly fee was the “annual fee.” Now wait just a second, so not only do I have to pay you a recurring monthly fee, now you are charging us an even higher “annual fee”? I asked, “when did this start” and he said they supposedly had been doing this for a few years now. I have had this 24 hour fitness membership for YEARS and was never charged an “annual fee” on top of my monthly recurring fee. I told him I wanted to cancel and they claimed they could not do this over the phone, that I would have to come in so their reps could manipulate me into staying a member so they can keep over charging my bank account. I’m going to have to go to my bank now and tell them to revoke access to all these recurring charges. But it’s worse than that, my ex, who had the membership with me was named as the main person on my account and she kept using my membership and not paying her way even after she’d ran off and locked me out of my own apartment. Thanks for screwing me over once again 24 Hour fitness. I will make sure to tell everyone not to go to your gym.

06/26/2024 15:49:41
PT exercise

By denidewdrop   

I arrived at 11 filled out all my paperwork to join the gym through Medicare. Arlene what’s the very helpful walk me through the app took my picture for my 24 hour fitness card.
Showed me by printing out all the exercises that are available for the week.
My first day in the pool for a year just had knee surgery complete knee replacement.
The workout was good a little intense when I was swimming, with the noodle under my arm, my left leg and foot I could feel pain as kicking, in the lower part of my leg all the knee was a little swollen on the right side on the water buildup and the left outer of the knee very swollen. I literally came home and warmed up dinner then went to bed on a heating pad. Woke up sore and tired rested for the rest of the day and hopefully will head out tomorrow Sunday at 11:00 pool exercise, 1 1/2 hours.
I then got in the Jacuzzi for about 15 minutes. The most difficult part was going down the stairs good thing there were two railings to help support my body.
The other problem I had was there’s two parts in the Jacuzzi that the cement was raised why I don’t know, but I tripped in and did my knee hurt my knee by twisting it because of it needs to be told about Jacuzzi.
I will be back every other day for a month. See what results I get with moving my surgery leg except for Saturdays and Sundays too many people.

06/22/2024 19:27:24
Great app

By Disguised Eagle   

Good features

06/20/2024 02:34:44
Automatic Screen Brightness QR Code

By SuperH!   

Where is the automatic full brightness when presenting a QR code for check-in? Literally every other app (like flight boarding passes) manage this successfully. Why are your developers so incompetent that I have to mess with my brightness settings on every single check-in? 1-star. Two if all of these incompetent developers lose their jobs and get banned from making software for life.
Note: Updated review to two stars thanks to developer response. I recall the maximum brightness from two years ago or so. The problem is, coming in from outside with the iPhone at automatic brightness which is based around a median setting configurable by the user, into the 24 Hour Fitness with bright overhead lighting, the phone turns the brightness level down enough to interfere with this check-in process. 50% brightness on check-in is inadequate for the environment.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/20/2024

Sorry for the inconvenience. We did have the QR code set to 100% automatic brightness. However, we received multiple complaints from users. So, we changed the automatic brightness to 50%. Our developers are fully competent.

06/19/2024 07:33:38

By turbocarr   

Noticed it’s a bit cleaner nowadays. 80’s music was a nice break from the same old modern day thump music.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/20/2024

Thank you very much for your review!!!

06/17/2024 11:53:15
Mr health and fit

By TheofficialPersianprince   

Being a wildcard and 1st in the men’s health and fitness competition 2024. It is important to have that backbone and support behind you. I have piece of mind with 24 hour fitness! I can always count on a location to workout at if I’m out of town and always vibe with the 24 hour community. Thank you to the power of “24”
Let’s go!!! Vote for the Persian Prince 2024 Mr health and fitness! We coming down to the quarter finals!

06/17/2024 02:08:16
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