Check your SEO status easily with the help of the SEO Browser. Enter a URL and the SEO Browser will analyze how well the site is optimized for search engines. The result describes the level of optimization. CHECK YOUR SEO STATUS EASILY Just like with any other browser, you can easily click through the selected site. The SEO Browser analyzes the requested site and shows the result. SEO BASIS CHECK In the basic analysis of the SEO Browser 10 important factors for good search engine optimization such as title length, length of the meta description or the quality of the URL will be considered. Through color-coding, you can quickly detect any potential for optimization. In the detailed view you get more information about the optimization factor and optimization possibilities. SEO TODOS The SEO Browser is primarily aimed at those looking for objective criteria for sustainable search engine optimization and is therefore interesting for professionals and customers. PROJECT MANAGEMENT In addition, you can organize your analyzes in projects. So you can easily analyze different topics. OFFLINE ANALYSIS If you wish, you can load individual websites of a domain into the app and analyze them offline. REPORT AS PDF You can generate the result of an analysis as a PDF. You can use this report for example to accurately define SEO Todos. OFFLINE PROCESSING If you use the TYPO3 CMS you can use the 4T3 SEO Extension to connect your website directly to the app and edit information such as page titles, meta keywords or meta description. Note: Please note that you will need an Internet connection.