Telerik UI for Xamarin is a library of native and customizable UI controls for building stunning cross-platform mobile applications for the most popular mobile platforms including iOS. This application shows scenarios developers can achieve using Telerik UI for Xamarin. Browse the examples to get the first-hand experience with the suite. A Source code preview is available for every example. Telerik UI for Xamarin key components: Predefined Theme, Design-Time Support, Localization and Globalization. ImageEditor A control that enables you to easily visualize and edit images in different file formats in your mobile application. Map A data visualization control whose primary purpose is to visualize rich spatial data. The control provides visualization of ESRI shapefiles that consist of geometric objects, such as lines, polylines and polygons. PdfViewer It enables you to easily load and display PDF documents natively in your application. It comes with full integration with the RadPdfViewerToolbar. Popup RadPopup lets you display content of your choice on top of the existing view. The component provides a flexible API to easily control its behavior. DockLayout A mechanism for child elements to be docked to the left, right, top or bottom edge or to occupy the center area of the layout. Calendar & Scheduling The Calendar is a highly customizable calendar component that offers: •Day, Week, Month, WorkWeek, MultiDay, Agenda and Year views. •Recurring appointments and built-in dialogs •Selection •Flexible Styling API. Accordion & Expander Those components help you save screen space and at the same time present the content to the end user in an easily accessible way. AutoCompleteView The control has different filtering options, tokens support, and remote search, as well as full customization capabilities. Conversational UI This Chat component allows you to create modern chat experiences in your apps, regardless of the chatbot framework you choose. Barcode Barcode is a control used for creating and showing barcodes. TreeView It facilitates management of hierarchical data structures. It comes with commands mechanism, data binding, checkbox support and Load on Demand support. DataGrid The control provides operations like sorting, filtering, grouping, and editing over the underlying data. Numeric Input NumericInput is a highly customizable input control for numeric data. Button Allows you to add rotation, shapes, transparency, text, and backgrounds and images for a custom look and feel. ComboBox Allows item selection from a dropdown list in editable or non-editable modes. Allows single or multiple selection. MaskedInput MaskInput allows users to ensure correct input is provided by the end users with the support for predefined tokens such as digits, chars, letters, alphanumeric input etc or regex. Linear and Radial Gauges The gauge indicates and gives a visual display of amount, level, or contents of something. ListView Provides the most frequently used functionalities. It comes with: •Different layout modes •UI virtualization •Pull-to-refresh •Selection •Commands •Cells swipe •Grouping •Styling API Chart Versatile charting component that offers full customization, great performance and an intuitive object model. •12+ Chart Types Rating Allows users to rate by selecting a number of items [stars] from a predefined number of items. BusyIndicator Allows you to display a notification whenever a longer-running process is being handled by the application. SegmentedControl Allows you to display a list of horizontally aligned, mutually exclusive options, which can be selected by the user. SideDrawer This steps on the popular navigation pattern where you can access all your application screens from a sliding menu. RichTextEditor Allows creating and editing rich text content through WYSIWYG interface. SignaturePad Allows users to capture, customize and save a signature ProgressBar Allows tracking operation progress