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Hinge Health
Move beyond pain
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Shoshanna Lewis

By PJones409   

Shoshanna is my PT. Her suggestions on exercises for my shoulders and neck issues has worked wonderfully. She is very knowledgeable in her expertise. Shoshanna is very helpful, friendly and we had lots of laughter.

07/12/2024 20:06:15
i Love Hing Health , i brag about how you have helped me lose the pain ,

By stronger & pain free   

worry about losing hing health when my insurance changes in November

07/12/2024 15:59:26
Great Program!!!

By Big Bruh DP   

I’ve tried several different kinds of therapy in order to get back control of my knees. Chiropractors, knee doctors, self directed workouts all met with minimal progress.
This Hinge Program with the playlist’s as really enabled me to step up my game and make significant improvements. I’m feeling better than ever . I’m able to build on the techniques I’m learning on the hinge playlist and make real progress in my over all mobility. The encouragement I receive from the coaches and the specialized custom playlist they make for me to address specific concerns are a great help and keep me motivated and moving forward.

07/12/2024 11:58:06
Great for strength and range of motion

By JJPG5   

I have benefited from Hinge Health and have strengthened my hips and knees. I also have noticed a general well being and have read their articles after my workouts/playlists. The additional routines provided are also very helpful and some are challenging! Your success with this program depends in what you put into it! I am totally impressed with the responsiveness of Hinge Health coach and Physical Therapist!

07/12/2024 10:23:55
Now I believe

By Rookiecooker   

I am 74 Almost three weeks ago I tore something in my glutes and went to the emergency room because I could hardly walk. With in a day I could walk with a crutch within three days I could walk without a crutch although it was painful and I was unsteady. It is my belief that the program had strengthened my muscles and agility so I could move and didn’t fall. I am getting a MRI This weekend to know what I tore and will keep you informed so I can continue training. When I started I thought this is a joke but soon realized that this is a low impact extremely efficient way to gain strength and relieve pain. I am glad I went against my first thought and really tried to work it because it works. Thanks. I am now 75 life happen again, and I needed time away from program but was walking 5 to 8 miles a day the program gave me the strength to handle the moments that life handed me. The program works.

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/19/2021

Hi Rookiecooker,
Thank you for such a kind review! We always love to hear from our participants and greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your experience. We are happy to be able to partner with you on this journey towards better health!
Iliana from Hinge Health Support

07/12/2024 09:59:48
Starting out

By t. craig brown   

I just started because I need to target some problem areas. So far it’s introduced me to some exercises I would have never thought of, but I’m too new to this program to get results. I’ll stick with it and see what happens.

07/12/2024 01:05:34
Thanks Hinge Team!!!!

By EvansGirl24   

App has been smooth and flawless. And the program is just awesome. It has really made a change in my pain and improved my function. I am still doing the program and progressing after more than a year. The app works great - I havent had one time in nearly a year that I couldn’t complete my Hinge session because of the app. I can’t recommend the Hinge Health program highly enough!

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/19/2023

Thank you, EvansGirl24! We're thrilled to hear that you're loving our app and finding it smooth and flawless. It's fantastic to hear that it's made a positive impact on your pain and functionality. We truly appreciate your high recommendation! Best regards, Jess from Hinge Health Support

07/11/2024 23:58:14
Hinge for neck stiffness and pain

By Travelntrich   

Step by step exercises are equal to going to physical therapist-

07/11/2024 14:48:03
My Daily Buddy

By jsnfjns   

Easy and motivating to use. I like the exercise sets at the bottom you can choose from after your individualized set. I like the way each exercise is explained. Just the right amount of exercises to keep me coming.

07/11/2024 13:53:26
I Love Hinge Health!!!

By HappyKim2023   

Hinge Health has helped me to stay motivated and take an active role in managing my pain!

07/11/2024 12:12:34
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