
Business Communication
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2024 Years

Version History

  • Version24.05.50

    Business Communication

    Update Log

    What’s new
    • Sometimes all you need are the highlights—that’s why we’re introducing the Recap feature from Slack AI. Recap lets you choose specific channels to be automatically summarized each day, so you can get the bottom line at the top of each morning. Think of it like a “Previously on…” segment from your favorite series. And now, on with the show!

    App Description

    Slack brings team communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more work done, whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Tick off your to-do list and make progress on your projects by bringing the right people, conversations, tools and information you need together. Slack is available on any device, so you can find and access your team and your work whether you’re at your desk or on the go.

    Use Slack to:
    • Communicate with your team and organise your conversations by topic, project or anything else that matters to your work
    • Message or call any person or group within your team
    • Share and edit documents and collaborate with the right people, all in Slack
    • Integrate the tools and services you already use into your workflow, including Google Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana, Twitter, Zendesk and more
    • Easily search a central knowledge base that automatically indexes and archives your team’s past conversations and files
    • Customise your notifications so you stay focused on what matters

    Scientifically proven (or at least rumoured) to make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive. We hope you’ll give Slack a try.

    Having trouble? Please contact [email protected]

  • Version24.05.40

    Business Communication

    Update Log

    Bug fixes
    • If you were logged in to 15 or more workspaces, you may have noticed a significant lag when switching between them. Congratulations on discovering our patented method of getting you to take a quick break, since clearly you’re working too hard! We jest, of course; it was merely a bug. But do remember to pace yourself.
    • Keywords were not being highlighted when they appeared next to a punctuation mark, such as at the end of a sentence. While this wasn’t one of our personal highlights, the key word here is “Fixed.”

    App Description

    Slack brings team communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more work done, whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Tick off your to-do list and make progress on your projects by bringing the right people, conversations, tools and information you need together. Slack is available on any device, so you can find and access your team and your work whether you’re at your desk or on the go.

    Use Slack to:
    • Communicate with your team and organise your conversations by topic, project or anything else that matters to your work
    • Message or call any person or group within your team
    • Share and edit documents and collaborate with the right people, all in Slack
    • Integrate the tools and services you already use into your workflow, including Google Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana, Twitter, Zendesk and more
    • Easily search a central knowledge base that automatically indexes and archives your team’s past conversations and files
    • Customise your notifications so you stay focused on what matters

    Scientifically proven (or at least rumoured) to make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive. We hope you’ll give Slack a try.

    Having trouble? Please contact [email protected]

  • Version24.05.30

    Business Communication

    Update Log

    Bug fixes
    • When closing a direct message (by tapping the name at the top of the screen, then scrolling down and pressing “Close Conversation”), the screen would wipe but not actually remove the DM from view. Instead of metaphorically closing the book on a discussion, it was more akin to closing a sliding glass door, then continuing to awkwardly stare through it. We’re all about transparency, but we’re glad to see this bug get marked “Closed.”
    • VoiceOver was refusing to read the names of custom emoji in the emoji picker, rendering those one-of-a-kind wonders inaccessible, non-selectable, and all around un-emojible. Your custom emoji are once again free to emote. Enjoy your bespoke buddies.

    App Description

    Slack brings team communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more work done, whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Tick off your to-do list and make progress on your projects by bringing the right people, conversations, tools and information you need together. Slack is available on any device, so you can find and access your team and your work whether you’re at your desk or on the go.

    Use Slack to:
    • Communicate with your team and organise your conversations by topic, project or anything else that matters to your work
    • Message or call any person or group within your team
    • Share and edit documents and collaborate with the right people, all in Slack
    • Integrate the tools and services you already use into your workflow, including Google Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana, Twitter, Zendesk and more
    • Easily search a central knowledge base that automatically indexes and archives your team’s past conversations and files
    • Customise your notifications so you stay focused on what matters

    Scientifically proven (or at least rumoured) to make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive. We hope you’ll give Slack a try.

    Having trouble? Please contact [email protected]

  • Version24.05.20

    Business Communication

    Update Log

    What’s new
    • This week’s is not a huge update, but let that not convince you it’s unimportant. They can’t all be red-letter days (or updates), but each day we’re here is a good one. This update is a good one too.

    App Description

    Slack brings team communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more work done, whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Tick off your to-do list and make progress on your projects by bringing the right people, conversations, tools and information you need together. Slack is available on any device, so you can find and access your team and your work whether you’re at your desk or on the go.

    Use Slack to:
    • Communicate with your team and organise your conversations by topic, project or anything else that matters to your work
    • Message or call any person or group within your team
    • Share and edit documents and collaborate with the right people, all in Slack
    • Integrate the tools and services you already use into your workflow, including Google Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana, Twitter, Zendesk and more
    • Easily search a central knowledge base that automatically indexes and archives your team’s past conversations and files
    • Customise your notifications so you stay focused on what matters

    Scientifically proven (or at least rumoured) to make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive. We hope you’ll give Slack a try.

    Having trouble? Please contact [email protected]

  • Version24.05.10

    Business Communication

    Update Log

    Bug fixes
    • Fixed: Accepting a Slack Connect invitation when not already signed in to Slack should have resulted in a warm and inviting login screen. Instead it was producing a vague and unsettling error screen. The former has been reinstated; the latter has been abandoned. Fear connection no longer!

    App Description

    Slack brings team communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more work done, whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Tick off your to-do list and make progress on your projects by bringing the right people, conversations, tools and information you need together. Slack is available on any device, so you can find and access your team and your work whether you’re at your desk or on the go.

    Use Slack to:
    • Communicate with your team and organise your conversations by topic, project or anything else that matters to your work
    • Message or call any person or group within your team
    • Share and edit documents and collaborate with the right people, all in Slack
    • Integrate the tools and services you already use into your workflow, including Google Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana, Twitter, Zendesk and more
    • Easily search a central knowledge base that automatically indexes and archives your team’s past conversations and files
    • Customise your notifications so you stay focused on what matters

    Scientifically proven (or at least rumoured) to make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive. We hope you’ll give Slack a try.

    Having trouble? Please contact [email protected]

  • Version24.04.40

    Business Communication

    Update Log

    What’s new
    • What’s New: Say hi to Slack AI! Our brand-new set of generative AI tools lets you search smarter, summarize conversations instantly, and much more. Head over to the Help Center to see how you can put Slack AI to work for you: https://slack.com/help/articles/25076892548883-Introducing--Slack-AI

    App Description

    Slack brings team communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more work done, whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Tick off your to-do list and make progress on your projects by bringing the right people, conversations, tools and information you need together. Slack is available on any device, so you can find and access your team and your work whether you’re at your desk or on the go.

    Use Slack to:
    • Communicate with your team and organise your conversations by topic, project or anything else that matters to your work
    • Message or call any person or group within your team
    • Share and edit documents and collaborate with the right people, all in Slack
    • Integrate the tools and services you already use into your workflow, including Google Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana, Twitter, Zendesk and more
    • Easily search a central knowledge base that automatically indexes and archives your team’s past conversations and files
    • Customise your notifications so you stay focused on what matters

    Scientifically proven (or at least rumoured) to make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive. We hope you’ll give Slack a try.

    Having trouble? Please contact [email protected]

  • Version24.04.30

    Business Communication

    Update Log

    Bug fixes
    • Fixed: Did you notice that custom status suggestions for your org were showing up on desktop but not mobile? Turns out things were just a little dis-org-anized on our end. Ha ha. Ha. No, but we’re sorry.
    • Fixed: In some messages sent by apps that incorporated block quotes, the message text was not indented and overlapped with the left-hand border. Many thanks for your understanding as we work to get all our ducks (and words) in a row.

    App Description

    Slack brings team communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more work done, whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Tick off your to-do list and make progress on your projects by bringing the right people, conversations, tools and information you need together. Slack is available on any device, so you can find and access your team and your work whether you’re at your desk or on the go.

    Use Slack to:
    • Communicate with your team and organise your conversations by topic, project or anything else that matters to your work
    • Message or call any person or group within your team
    • Share and edit documents and collaborate with the right people, all in Slack
    • Integrate the tools and services you already use into your workflow, including Google Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana, Twitter, Zendesk and more
    • Easily search a central knowledge base that automatically indexes and archives your team’s past conversations and files
    • Customise your notifications so you stay focused on what matters

    Scientifically proven (or at least rumoured) to make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive. We hope you’ll give Slack a try.

    Having trouble? Please contact [email protected]

  • Version24.04.20

    Business Communication

    Update Log

    What’s new
    • Is it something in the air? A certain je ne sais quoi that’s hard to put a finger on? The world seems brighter, music sounds sweeter … what could it be? The Slack app has been updated, and we can neither confirm nor deny that we’re responsible for any lightness that descends upon you.

    App Description

    Slack brings team communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more work done, whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Tick off your to-do list and make progress on your projects by bringing the right people, conversations, tools and information you need together. Slack is available on any device, so you can find and access your team and your work whether you’re at your desk or on the go.

    Use Slack to:
    • Communicate with your team and organise your conversations by topic, project or anything else that matters to your work
    • Message or call any person or group within your team
    • Share and edit documents and collaborate with the right people, all in Slack
    • Integrate the tools and services you already use into your workflow, including Google Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana, Twitter, Zendesk and more
    • Easily search a central knowledge base that automatically indexes and archives your team’s past conversations and files
    • Customise your notifications so you stay focused on what matters

    Scientifically proven (or at least rumoured) to make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive. We hope you’ll give Slack a try.

    Having trouble? Please contact [email protected]

  • Version24.04.10

    Business Communication

    Update Log

    What’s new
    • [ERROR: RELEASE NOTES NOT FOUND] Wait, that can’t be right… Okay, it’s true that we don’t have any specific fixes to call out this time around, but we always want to use this space to let you know we’re constantly working to improve the app. And also to send you some good vibes. Hope your April is off to a great start—no foolin’.

    App Description

    Slack brings team communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more work done, whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Tick off your to-do list and make progress on your projects by bringing the right people, conversations, tools and information you need together. Slack is available on any device, so you can find and access your team and your work whether you’re at your desk or on the go.

    Use Slack to:
    • Communicate with your team and organise your conversations by topic, project or anything else that matters to your work
    • Message or call any person or group within your team
    • Share and edit documents and collaborate with the right people, all in Slack
    • Integrate the tools and services you already use into your workflow, including Google Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana, Twitter, Zendesk and more
    • Easily search a central knowledge base that automatically indexes and archives your team’s past conversations and files
    • Customise your notifications so you stay focused on what matters

    Scientifically proven (or at least rumoured) to make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive. We hope you’ll give Slack a try.

    Having trouble? Please contact [email protected]

  • Version24.03.40

    Business Communication

    Update Log

    What’s new
    • We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make sure everything is polished, well-oiled, and running as it should be. If you notice anything to the contrary, as always, let us know at [email protected]!

    App Description

    Slack brings team communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more work done, whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Tick off your to-do list and make progress on your projects by bringing the right people, conversations, tools and information you need together. Slack is available on any device, so you can find and access your team and your work whether you’re at your desk or on the go.

    Use Slack to:
    • Communicate with your team and organise your conversations by topic, project or anything else that matters to your work
    • Message or call any person or group within your team
    • Share and edit documents and collaborate with the right people, all in Slack
    • Integrate the tools and services you already use into your workflow, including Google Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana, Twitter, Zendesk and more
    • Easily search a central knowledge base that automatically indexes and archives your team’s past conversations and files
    • Customise your notifications so you stay focused on what matters

    Scientifically proven (or at least rumoured) to make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive. We hope you’ll give Slack a try.

    Having trouble? Please contact [email protected]

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