Who is going out to the sea knows how important tips from the local population and other boaters who were navigating through the same area are. Created by who is going out for the ones who are going to on the sea, Sailor Advisor is the community for who is navigating, for exchanging useful advises, suggestions and information with nautical importance but also related to nature and tourism. Share your experiences and for who is out there: Leave your suggestions about nautical points of interest such as shelters, harbours, caves, islands and everything that you think might be of interest for others. We are starting from Sicily, Italy but you can share your tips for any part of the world. Thank you and a safe trip! You can find and report suggestions about: Marine areas Caves Anchor points Beaches Coves Islands Kite surf Surf Wind surf Diving Lighthouses Shelters Natural reserves Harbors Nautical services As well as activities like Bars and cafés Supermarkets Bike and boat rentals Festivals Restaurants B&B and many more. If you have suggestions for other categories, let us know: [email protected] “Ignoranti quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est” Seneca