Breaking news : ‘BBTAN’ renewal update! ‘BBTAN’ was updated with NEW game mode, NEW bricks, New system, NEW UI graphic. Get ready for the ultimate gaming experience in our latest update! [Update features] 1. New Game Mode : Break down limited bricks as efficiently as possible and get the stars! 2. New bricks : new bricks will give you different experience with various gimmicks! (such as ‘2x Block’, ‘Division Block’, ‘Thorn Block’, ‘Invisible Block’ and so on) 3. New system : You can use not only various ‘Boosters’ which help your gameplay but also ‘Golden Aim’ which show you perfect aim. You can also get items with ‘Card Match’ system! 4. New UI graphic : More sophisticated design will give you more immersive gaming experience! [How to play] 1. Tap to aim at the bricks and shoot the ball 2. The ball bounces off the bricks and wall 3. Break all the bricks efficiently in a minimal attempt 4. If the bricks come down to the bottom, it’s GAME OVER