A 3D action puzzle RPG where you fight by pulling. Move with your friends and decide on joint attacks and special moves! [Game contents] ◆ Deep battle with simple operation Shoot out the character with a pull operation. Manipulate the battle situation by moving, attacking, and activating special moves at the right time. ◆ Cooperation with friends If you bump into your comrades on the battlefield, they will take you with them. Move your friends well and fight to your advantage. Attack powers up when you have a lot of them. ◆Various battlefields Various gimmicks are placed on the battlefield, such as destructible obstacles, items that increase attack power and recovery, and lightning that deals damage. Of course, enemies and Zako are also arranged in various formations. There are various capture methods, such as fighting from the front, attacking from a distance, and using gimmicks. ◆Attractive characters Each has its own attack and special move. You can recruit swordsmen with strong melee attacks, magicians with ranged attacks from a distance, and monsters. Collect cute 3D characters. ◆Party Characters have leader skills and skills. You can learn your favorite skills through training. Combine characters and skills to create your own strongest party. 【price】 You can play all for free. [Compatible terminals] iOS 11.0 or higher Recommended specs CPU Apple A11 (installed in iPhone 8) or higher Memory 2GB or more