Repostarry brings you the most starred repositories in the very last 24 hours/7 days/1 month/all times. By "very", we mean that these time spans are relative to the exact date time you open the application! More: * Find out what is most starred also by a single programming language * Favorites saving (that gets updated each time you open it) * Deep search: look for repositories by stars, date, forks, size and more 100% Free. 100% Private - Guaranteed by me, Ethan Halprin, the developer. No Commercials. No Registration. UI Art Credits: * Black and white background photo at landing page by Pexels at ( * Black and white background photo at main menu page by Negative Space at ( * Avatar icon by WandererCreative at ( * Star icon by OpenClipart-Vectors at ( * Calendar icon made by Freepik at ( * Divergent arrow icon made by Freepik at ( * Programming language icon made by Smashicons at ( and by WikiMedia ( * Programming language logos are made by Konpa ( under The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 konpa Design, Development, Testing, Publish and all other credits: ETHAN HALPRIN.