WRD Scanner is a simple-yet-power­ful text re­cog­ni­tion tool that uses state-of-the-art OCR ma­chine learn­ing to scan, high­light, and copy words from phys­ic­al prin­ted documents such as books. Just point your cam­era at any prin­ted text and enter the keywords or phrase that you'd like to find into the app search bar—those words will quickly become high­lighted on your device screen in real time with great pre­ci­sion. All the text in an im­age can be ex­trac­ted with just the tap of a but­ton, and you can even se­lect in­di­vidu­al words and sen­tences to copy. For ex­ample, say you're at a cafe and the WiFi pass­word is prin­ted on a menu amongst lots of oth­er text—simply take a snap­shot of the menu and draw a box on-screen around the pass­word to quickly and con­veni­ently copy it onto your iPhone or iPad. WRD Scanner can per­form real-time QR code scans too, and is avail­able for both iPhone and iPad. No account or sign-up is re­quired, and there are no subscriptions or in-app purchases. Key features: • Hold your device cam­era over the text that you'd like to scan and type the words that you'd like to find into the app search bar—the words will be high­lighted on the device screen when they're found in the prin­ted text • Real-time con­tinu­ous scan­ning and snap­shot modes avail­able • Copy whole pas­sages of text with just the tap of a but­ton • Copy in­di­vidu­al words and sen­tences by draw­ing a bounding box around the text on-screen • Scan various types of barcode & QR codes • Eas­ily share the extracted text to oth­er apps that are in­stalled on your device • Sup­port for iOS 13 and iPadOS 13, in­clud­ing nat­ive dark mode appearance • No subscriptions or in-app purchases • No ac­count or sign-up ne­ces­sary Say hello and learn about new developments: • Twitter: twitter.com/LazyCatApps • Facebook: facebook.com/LazyCatApps • Instagram: instagram.com/LazyCatApps • Email: [email protected]