When was the last time you trusted social media?  Meet Piks | NFT Camera. We put the trust back in the news and social networks! We’re the next-generation platform that offers a simple  but powerful tool to fight fakes and verify content in a few clicks. How does it work? — The app allows adding photos and video from the camera, here and now only! * No filters * no editing * no adding old photos * no any kind of manipulation Only truth as it is. Ugly or beautiful — it’s up to you.  Any piece of content, any photo or video, can be verified easily.  Every piece of content will have authors who can sell and monetize their creative efforts. Great for Celebrities: - Publish verified original content, and show it to millions of people Influencers: - Become the most trustful source of info, be quoted by the media Storytellers: - Your true story, no one will have a chance to say it’s not the truth Media channels: - Use only verified info, check the source in a click Creators: - Drive mainstream creative culture Become one of the first authors of trustful original content. Are you a witness to unparalleled events? Do you visit any places nobody else can?  Tell the world about them with the power of truth multiplied by the power of social media. It works even better than an oath on a Bible in a court: you post and see the truth, and nothing except the truth. NFT transfers will be available in the following updates.