Reach is the place for Social Events! Follow your friends, search for and join events near you, whether that's a concert, a pop-up store, or even a pickup basketball game. Reach is the only app necessary to super-charge your social life! Friends - Keep up to date with your friends and see what they're doing! On Reach, any event that your friends join or create is something that can be experienced together. Create memories with friends by hosting and joining events, which you can also post photos and videos about for keepsakes. Events - Anything can be an event on Reach. Nothing is too big or too small. When creating an event, you can set the privacy of choice. If you want anyone to be able to join, then you can set an event to public. On the other hand, if you only want your closest group of friends to join an event, then you can create a group to share that event with as well! Find out why people keep coming back to Reach :)