Enjoy the amazing Arabic Tube in the world with access to millions of videos & musics in JanaTube-All in one place! What can you enjoy at JanaTube? -Enjoy videos & music without annoying video ads -Continue listening to the video while switching to other apps -Choose your favorite video formats as needed -Watching in power-saving mode without low battery worrying -Discover media in an intelligent way with smart search [Ads Blocker for Video Ads] Enjoy the latest videos and popular music without any annoying popup ads! Jana automatically blocks ads and filters all video ads within-built free ad blocker. [Popup Player] /// [Popup & Background Player] You can watch the video in floating play mode, which is also called pop-up player. Allow you to keep playing Jana tube and listen to the video while switching to other applications. What's more, you can drag the floating pop-up video window anywhere on the screen. [HD Player Support] Jana supports resolutions up to 8k. By default, the maximum resolution of videos is active. You can enjoy a wonderful user experience here to play the videos with all resolutions from 144p to 8k. [Power Saving Mode] Want to keep listening to videos when the battery is low? Try this mode! Jana allows you to continue listening to your music with as little power consumption as possible. [Discover Videos in an Intelligent Way] Easily find your favorite songs or videos with Jana Tube's smart discovery and search filters. You can always find new fun here. -------- Privacy Policy: https://sites.google.com/view/jatube-lab-privacypolicy Terms & Conditions: https://sites.google.com/view/jatubelab-termsofservice We are grateful if you let us comment and rate our app on App Store! Feel free to give us any feedback through [email protected]