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Microsoft 365 (Office)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint & More
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Horrible support

By Customer Support Failure   

I got locked out of my account when I bought a new phone. When Microsoft authenticator stopped working it was impossible to get logged in again. There is absolutely no phone support our way to speak to a live person and the only option is to shut down your account for a month before they will allow you to restore your login. I used to love Microsoft products, but those experience heads l has completely soured me. I am even considering transitioning everything over too Google.

07/06/2024 08:47:37

By Thegaurh   

Great service Contract) there is a great savers

07/06/2024 00:31:57
UX experience is still poor

By nayanabeauty   

Appears that Microsoft has not learn lessons every after decades of managing MS Office. Today it made me login twice to MS Office once when I clicked on a PPT link in Gmail - gave me an error “Some error - open in browser?” And again on the browser.
And their handling of Unicode fonts changed continues to be abysmal.

07/05/2024 23:41:43
Apple user

By Panache38   

username confusion has been insurmountable from beginning...get multple demands about emails with user not identifing clearly on pages, who they are (Apple, goDaddy, miscrosoft, other) : also msoft wrongly assumes user to be facile with MMS//SMS in conformation

07/05/2024 17:33:30
Not able to access across all devices

By H1gur   

I have a droid phone, a pc and an iPad Pro. I inadvertently activated my software on my phone and now cannot access it on my iPad Pro. There is no way to log in, as it does not recognize that I already have the software on my other devices. It requires another payment altogether. Also, this software is so frustrating to use. It takes ten times longer to compose documents than Microsoft Word because it is constantly trying to correct when I am typing and guess what I want to say rather than what I am actually trying to say.

07/05/2024 15:17:54

By CreolC   


07/04/2024 17:06:00
Headed in the wrong direction

By Paytonious   

This whole new office 365 is absolutely terrible. It’s designed for people that sit in the workspace every day with this consistent connection to the Internet. For those of us that are out in the field and working remotely without an Internet signal, It’s frustrating to find work disappear and hours of research lost because the Internet wasn’t connected to save or upload files. addition to that subscription based service is ridiculous as well. Why can’t I just buy a product and use it as long as I want? Why, because it’s not beneficial for Microsoft.

07/03/2024 22:41:34
Still figuring it out.

By Old 1 and Slow   

Seems like I have too much stuff going to different places. Thought this would organize things. Instead, I’m more scattered than ever. I don’t know if I’m saving on my computer, my iPad, iCloud, one cloud or what.
Also saving WAY TOO MANY copies. What happened to “save as” and put it in a folder. Spending entirely too much time:
1) Figuring out what copies I don’t need and where they’re located.
2) Deleting copies not needed.
3) Organizing folders in different locations.
4) Trying to figure out and link everything together.
ie. outlook mail, work mail, 2 gmail accounts 1 yahoo account and 1 AOL.

07/03/2024 16:19:36
Generally over bloated

By ebitnet   

As with most MSOffice apps, this is over bloated with features I never use.

07/03/2024 11:28:52
Horrible app

By halz0524   

So confusing and inconvenient

07/03/2024 09:00:14
No data yet.No data yet.
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