FlashLoan is an Online Credit Cash Loan app in Zambia which can offer safe and reliable services for you. we will not access your contacts list and photo gallery.

About Loans:
1. Loan Amount: K100 to K20,000
2. Term of Loan: 91-365 days
3. APR: No more than 24% per year (The daliy markup does not exceed 0.06%)
Charges for the calculation of K10,000 for a period of 180 days are as follows:
The total markup payable is K10,000 * 24%/365*180=K1,184
The total repayment amount is K10,000 + K10,000 * 24%/365*180=K11,184
The monthly payment amount is K11,184 / 6=K1,864 (i.e.(K10,000 + K10,000 * 24%/365*180)/6)

Why choose FlashLoan?
1. Get 24*7 Access to Loan Anytime, Anywhere.
2. Ensure your information security.
3. 100% online process without any mortgage.
4. Excellent user service.

Application Conditions:
1. Age 18-55 years.
2. Zambian citizen.
3. Monthly income.

How to get a loan?
1. Download FlashLoan from the google play store on your mobile phone.
2. Register with your mobile phone number.
3. Fill in your personal information, take your clear photo, and submit your application.
4. Wait for approval,and disbursement begins.

Data Privacy
Your personal information will be highly secured. FlashLoan promises never to share customer information with anyone without consent.

About Us:
Email: [email protected]