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Ball Sort Puzzle
Fun Game To Play On Christmas
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Redirects to suspicious website

By Mr pizzle   

While this game is enjoyable, it has recently started to automatically redirect to a suspicious website. It does this randomly throughout a game. There have been two updates since this has begun, neither has fixed this (dangerous?) problem.

07/10/2024 09:39:07
Love the game but...

By Benice!   

This game is amazing so fun and colorful but there is to many adds. I don't think it's worth it spend money to remove adds it's more simple to turn off your Wi-Fi or go on airplane mode. I try not to do this a lot but when I'm stuck on a level you can get a mini tube but it doesn't work I would suspect that it would give you and add when you want a mini tube but instead you have to write a message. Please fix the adds and mini tubes:)

07/08/2024 15:26:04
Fix it

By rlpgg76   

Your game still does not allow xtra tubes or extra moves if you watch an ad. Please fix

07/03/2024 11:05:43
turn on airplane mode for no ads!!!!!

By gAmE dEveLopeRs lIsteN   

Game is fun and for those worried about ads just turn on airplane mode on your phone this is not allow ads to come through as they require a internet connection or data!

07/01/2024 20:16:27
Still deal with ads

By Roxasrulez   

Don’t bother paying to get rid of ads, you’ll just have to willingly subject yourself to them to complete levels. Period. They’ve fixed it so now it’s roughly one every five or so levels instead of almost every other level, but it’s still annoying that you absolutely have to watch an ad to complete some levels. Why not implement a shuffle button for impossible to complete levels instead of making people sit through an ad for 1/4th of an extra bottle? You give 5 undos, why not a limit of 5 shuffles when you can’t solve a level? Gotta milk every penny somehow I guess.

06/30/2024 15:50:24
Redirects to suspicious websites

By kitvixd   

Why am I suddenly being redirected to suspicious websites mid-level?

06/28/2024 20:38:54
Please read this before downloading

By Yehcsubciecbie   

So I’m not talking bad but I LOVE this game me and my best friend ever always play together and we always solve it.But there is a few too many ads but it’s still a great game I personally love it.And it will never be deleted from my phone and I will always keep it.Me and my friends won’t ever delete this game because we all love it so much.It is also a no WiFi game so whenever I go on long car rides and/or long trips.I play with my family and I love it.Also I’ll let you in on a little secret if you turn off your WiFi then you will get no ads and you would save your battery.You can also get all kinds of different skins and all the skins are super cute too.Honestly, if they made me pay for this game I would pay for it and just saying I don’t purchase anything for a game on my phone.I love this game and take it from me me and all of my friends we all love this game and we would never delete it or take it off our Home Screen.Please download this game I absolutely love it.Trust me it’s worth being downloaded.

06/21/2024 13:37:57
Fix it!

By rlpgg76    (This review has been deleted)

I can’t get more undo’s or more vials. I used to be able to watch an ad and get more , but now that doesn’t work on my IPad.
Please fix

06/18/2024 10:53:42
Ads are obnoxious

By Carmencita 555   

This is a fun game but I can’t with the ads. Way too many and last too long.

06/18/2024 08:38:34
weird site

By HarleysCryBaby   

it’s a pretty fun game i could get past the ads but it randomly starts taking you to some weird website on safari n idk i felt like i was gonna get a virus from it, had to delete

06/18/2024 01:13:32
No data yet.No data yet.
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