online supermarket is a fresh food delivery service in the cities of Almaty and Astana. Delivery of products directly from our warehouse from certified suppliers to your home by the specified time. You no longer need to go to the store or make a purchase for a week — stand in traffic jams, queue at the checkout, put food in bags and carry them to the door. We’ll do it all! Free delivery The first delivery for new customers is always free. The following deliveries are free in the amount of 8,000 tenge or more. Food delivery to your home is carried out at the time intervals of two hours selected by you. You no longer need to call online delivery services, communicate with a courier or shoppers, you know exactly when to wait for an order. Quality All products are carefully selected by our specialists. We work only with verified certified suppliers. Vegetables and fruits are ripe and fresh, products are constantly checked for expiration dates. In the order, vegetables and fruits are well packed in special boxes and packages and protected from damage. We are so confident in the quality of the products that you can return the order immediately to the courier if you don’t like something. Caring for nature We put all orders in biodegradable craft bags and cardboard boxes. You can hand over all our packages and boxes to the courier at the next delivery, and we will send them for recycling to Kazakhstan Waste Recycling. Service After each delivery, you can leave a detailed review and give us a rating. Your opinion is very important to us and leaving a review, you make our service better. We listen to our customers and are open to any suggestions and comments. Bonus system When making an order, you receive 1% bonuses to your personal account in Arbuz, which you can then pay for purchases. Bonuses do not burn out during the year and they can be used to pay for the order in full. Assortment There are more than 30,000 items of food, children’s and household goods in our warehouse. If there is no necessary product, then we will offer you a replacement. Discounts and promotions We always have benefits for newcomers and loyal customers. For your first order, you get 1000 tenge, if you make it through a referral link from a friend, he will also receive 1000 tenge. Write to us! We really love feedback, you can always write to us at [email protected] or in a social network. Follow our social networks, we regularly launch profitable offers and promotions. Our website: Our Instagram: @arbuz_kz P.S. We will be very grateful for your 5-star reviews in the App Store! 1% cashback for our favorite customers.