Play as male survivor 'John', who recently lost his daughter and wife on the second day after the apocalypse hit the world in am open world environment. No one knows how, why or where the apocalypse came from, only that one day the entire world started to turn to shit. On the first day after the apocalypse hit the world's population was reduced by 70 percent. the rest of the surviving 30 percent were either hiding out in the red zone areas were the zombies were in higher concentration. some cities tried to make small safe zones but by the time of the 5th day after the zombie apocalypse hit most of the survivor camps were over run by the zombies and slowly the human race started to disappear. John lived in a small village with his beautiful wife and daughter. On the second day while John was out trying to find supplies, a zombie had broken in to the house and killed his daughter first and than his wife. When he returned home to see this horrific event had occurred, he in blinding rage took a knife that was in front of him, and killed the zombie by stabbing it in the head. After this event had occurred John knew he had to eventually move on and some how survive. One day, when John needed to replenish his med supplies, he when to the place which had the most med supplies in the area, which was the small hospital in his village. When he got there he stumbled upon a little girl survivor named 'Liz', who had somehow stayed alive and was hiding near the wall of the hospital. John took her home when he saw that the girls mother had been killed inside the hospital and she did not have anyone else left, and there journey starts from there. Along the way, as time passes John and Liz run in to other survivors, who team up together in order to survive this great zombie apocalypse. Zombie Apocalypse last survival story, is an open world survivor game with different cities that John has to move to in order to survive. In order to survive, John has to take care of himself, by not going hungry or thirsty and by mainly not dying by the hands of the zombies. Zombie Apocalypse last survival story has many different features, - with +50 different types of weapons and guns that are ready to be found in the game. - Zombie Apocalypse last survival story also has a huge inventory with over a hundred item ready to be found. - The graphics of Zombie Apocalypse last survival story are absolutely amazing with excellent effects. - Zombie Apocalypse last survival story is an open world environment, where you can roam around freely at will. - Zombie Apocalypse last survival story has great cinematics. - The sound effects in Zombie Apocalypse last survival story are excellent.