Collector - the ultimate app for effortless console game tracking. Say goodbye to the hassle of keeping track of your console games and forgetting what's in your collection. Key Features: User-Friendly Interface: Swipe to quickly add games to your collection, making it easy and enjoyable to manage. Expansive Platform Support: Currently supporting over 40,000 games across popular platforms Game Addition Requests: Missing a game from our extensive list? Simply send a request from within the app, and we'll promptly add it to our database. Continuous Updates: We are dedicated to expanding our platform support, ensuring you can manage games across a wide array of gaming consoles. Stay tuned for regular updates!  (Ongoing enhancements including support for estimated values and game variants) Supported Platforms Include: Nintendo Switch Microsoft Xbox Sega Sony PlayStation And many more! Enjoy Free and Upgradable Options: Free Download: Get started with our free download, which includes up to 50 game slots. Unlock Limitless Slots: Upgrade to the premium version for only 4.99 USD to unlock unlimited game slots and take your collection management to the next level. Don't let your game collection remain a mystery. Download Collector now and experience the joy of organization